October 28, 2012

Arm bracers for the Gym Leader!

Today I cut out most of the parts for Falkner's jacket, I will start sewing it tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll also finish his "mini hakama". The progress for today is Fazer's Falkner's arm bracers. They are just made of red and dark-blue-almost-black rib knit fabric. Mom sewed them with the overlocking machine (I guess it's also called a serger) because, err, she just did.

Yo bro, I dig these things
You might notice I'm wearing kimono. I wore that kimono all day together with a matching haori.. even when I went to vote at the town's municipal election. The stares... xD Oh, and don't ask me why my hair is standing up like that. I have no damn clue. When I woke up today my hair had decided to go SUPER SAIYAN and when I went to look at the mirror I lol'd so very hard. I tried to comb it down but it bounced right back up and my hair has now been like that the whole day. It's ridiculous and awesome at the same time...



  1. i want a kimono too ;_; (pitäis jaksaa vaa tehä.. ^^'') ihmisten reaktiot on niin hienoja ku näkee jotain vähänki outoa x3 and o yeah, almost forget. welcome to super saiyan croup : D my hair do the same thing all the time : D

    1. It's a real kimono actually.
      Ihmisten reaktiot just on ne parhaat. :'D Hehehe thanks! XD

    2. arvelinki että varmaan on oikee kimono, mä en vaa tiedä mistä hommata oikee nii oon aatellu tehä x3 :3 joo siinä yks syy miksi harrastaa cossausta xD your welcome xP

  2. Basically you look like a samurai dude who got his hair messed up by someone and is very grumpy now. xD <3

    Oh and I can so imagine all the stares.

    1. That description is quite awesome. XD

      Ne tyypit jotka antoivat niitä äänestyslappuja siellä.. katselivat aika huvittavasti/jännästi... x)

  3. Nice progress~ And the whole day in a kimono. Once I get a kimono, I'm so going to try that~ The stares especially <3 xD

    And now for the reason why I decided to post this comment: Bedhead's are epic. 8D

    1. Thanks.
      It's awesome, you should try it! Mä kävin siis kimonossa kunnallisvaaleissa äänestämässä + ukin luona vanhainkodissa. Se oli... jännää. XD

      Bedheads are the best! (it was all natural, no products! 8D)

  4. Fazeeeeers~ 8D Looks great!

    ..................KAMEHAMEHAA!...eiku xD

    1. Meinasin kirjoittaa Fazer vahingossa niin monta kertaa.. XDDD


  5. Stares are fun! XD
    And your hair looks really cool ^_^

    1. They are.. XD
      Thanks. It was indestructible during the whole day and I can't say that I was careful about not ruining it.. I rolled in the couch and leaned against walls and whatnot. Heh. We will see if it still looks like that when I wake up tomorrow. lol

  6. SUPER HAIR! XD Having messy short hair is super cool. With long-ish hair it's derp OTL


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