October 8, 2012

A third photoshoot

Actually, yesterday after getting home from Kemi's manga day and after eating dinner me and my twin had a third and final short photoshoot for the day. It was already too dark after dinner so we had to shoot indoor. I figured we could use the sliding doors as a nice background. Random info: there's one sliding door separating the guest room from the living room and another sliding door separating my room from the guest room. Yes, my room is linked to the guest room and you have to enter the guest room to get to my room.

The lights weren't that great so all indoor photos got a kinda blurry/grainy texture. Oh well,  I don't really mind because I think it fits the mood of the photos rather well~

Cosplayer: Valkoinen Samurai
Photographer: Jäätynyt Enkeli

After we had taken enough pictures I went to change back into everyday clothes.
Me, being the derp I am, I of course had to take a few *cough* "few" self-photos before reverting back to 'normal'. Like I ever am normal TROLOLOLOLOLO PROBLEM?



  1. Blurry pictures aren't always bad C: I really love these photos! <3

    Harmi kun en päässyt teille Mangapäivien jälkeen~ ö3ö''

    1. Yeah. Thanks! <3

      Niin, olis ollut niin mahtavaa jos olisit päässyt! Oh well, joskus toiste sitten!

  2. Oh, the texture really does fit the mood! Something different once in a while is good x3

    I really like the first picture~ And the third and fourth one kinda looks like Hijikata has elf ears xDDD

    1. Thank you! <3

      *checks* Oh.. yes, maybe a bit. XDDDDD

  3. These pics sure look good! ^_^ I can't decide which one I like the most. The third one maybe ~ Lack of light makes you look kinda pale but it doesn't look weird, it's just fine.
    And being normal isn't fun trololololol

    1. Thank you! :)
      Being normal is overrated. XD

    2. Welcome ~
      Hmmm being normal doesn't mean a thing x)


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