Showing posts with label Cosvision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cosvision. Show all posts

April 26, 2016

Cosvision 2016 – When the hotel breakfast is more interesting

Good evening everyone!

I've returned safely from my trip to Cosvision in Hämeenlinna, Finland, and now I'm writing to tell you all about the con. I honestly still have the "con hangover" but I just want to get this summary done and out as soon as possible, haha.
Soooooooooo... let's roll!

So, for those not in the know, Cosvision was held on 23-24 April and I went there with our kakkaravut trio of me, Frozen Angel and Sacchan. Awesome company always makes things better!
We had decided quite early on that we'd carpool southwards with Sacchan's car and that's also what happened. The road trip down went well and although it was long and occasionally tiring we didn't run out of shit to talk about – we're seriously such a close-knit bunch that we always have loads of fun together, no matter what!
I think the traveling took around 8 hours. I don't feel such long car trips anywhere because I'm so damn used to sitting in a car for hours and hours upon end; once when I was a little kid dad even drove all the way from southern Sweden to goddamn Italy. Beat that. That was, by the way, one of my most memorable childhood experiences.

Start of our journey. Nice weather graced us!
We were blessed with good weather when we started and it stayed good all the way down. We had all kinds of hilarious discussions to kill time and there was never a boring moment – our topics included everything from shit that only dads say to cosplay group plans and literal shit stories. There was also something really bizarre about waving baguettes around...
We also laughed hard at a car with a roof box that read "qualit box" – much qualit, such wow. :'D Another one was a Hesburger logo with only the Hesbur part lit up and the ger was occasionally blinking; it stayed as a joke for all Hesburger restaurants we saw afterwards. "Look, there's a Hesbur-ger-ger-ger-ger!" *insert Taking the Hobbits to Isengard here*

Oh and yeah, of course whenever we passed some town or whatnot with a possibly-funny-name-if-we-change-a-few-letters we of course pulled crappy jokes about it. You know, Mikkeli naturally turned into Kikkeli (lit. dick), Kinkomaa turned into Kinkymaa (lit. kinky land) and so on. No ragrets, hihi. We also bust a gut when we saw a resting place called Haarakangas (lit. crotch cloth) above Oulu – people who have watched Hetalia will understand.
Oh and also, a road called "Makkarajoentie" (lit. sausage river road) had us all howling with laughter. When I first saw it (we passed it by fast) I had a realization of "WAIT A SECOND. DID I JUST READ RIGHT?" and then Frozen Angel confirmed that he also read it. Oh lord the laughs that ensued.

Sunset! (and the obligatory river, because we're in Finland)
We stopped for a snack break at a Hesburger somewhere past Oulu and, although I didn't buy anything, I need to say that the service was so painfully slow I was cringing all along. There was like max two or three customers in front of our trio and it felt like it took way more than 15 minutes before that damn young woman working there got to us. She did everything so goshdarn leisurely I wondered how the heck she even got the job in the first place because it felt like watching a fucking sloth preparing french fries. Seriously horrible. I normally don't complain but it was just plain bad and frustrating – I even felt the need to leave one of those feedback papers to complain when we left because oh god, seriously? ._. Oh and yeah, Sacchan and Frozen Angel ordered smoothies and it was just too good when, after placing the order she said, all politely, that "it's just gonna take a short moment" and I couldn't help but roll my eyes as soon as we sat down waiting – a "short moment" was, of course, not short at all. :)) Geez.

Night-time driving.
Night fell and somewhere past Jyväskylä but before Hämeenlinna, in the middle of nowhere, the car in front of us suddenly came to an abrupt halt. We were really weirded out and wondered what was going on! Of course we had to stop completely as well when closing in and that's when we saw it – there was something on middle of the road that wasn't moving.
From a distance I first thought that it was some kind of light colored rock but as soon as we got a bit closer it became obvious that it was an animal. And it was.
But it was not the kind of animal you'd expect.

Hoot hoot, motherfucker.
This cute little owl was just sitting there, completely blocking the road and it didn't budge an inch (it was like a statue, seriously) nor open its eyes. It was weird and I really worried what was wrong with it; I've always loved birds and even after we passed the owl I could not stop thinking about it. Why was it there? Was it hurt? Did someone come to save it?
I saw that the woman in the car before us called someone; I really hope she called the animal protection peeps. I hope it survived. Poor thing. ;_;
Luckily it was close to midnight and on a calm road so maybe everyone else saw it on time too.

The clock was around midnight when we finally reached Hämeenlinna, our destination. We had been keeping in touch with Firith all along the journey because he was the fourth member of our group and the one who had booked the hotel for all of us. We found the right place, parked the car in the hotel's parking lot, checked in and pretty much immediately went to sleep because we all were so tired. I shaved my poor beard before going to bed because yeah, gotta be smooth for the sake of cosplay ~

Third floor hotel corridor showing the two rooms we had.
Me and Sacchan shared one room (number 330) and Frozen Angel and Firith shared another room just next to ours (332). The hotel was Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna. Pretty nice hotel, nothing to complain about. The huge amount of pillows was appreciated and, especially, the mega-sized one lol.

Our hotel room on the morning.
Saturday morning came. Holy crud it felt horrible to wake up after such a long journey and with only like 6 hours of sleep. I'm just really not a morning person, at all. Ugh.
I kicked up Sacchan, we put on our travel/casual clothes and went to knock on our double trouble's door and then we headed down to eat breakfast buffet together. The hotel breakfast was better than I expected; there was actually a lot of really tasty stuff and the variation was good! I even managed to eat a lot without feeling overly stuffed and getting the whole "feel nauseous in the morning" crap. Thing is that on con mornings I tend to be unable to eat much at all (especially hotel breakfasts, which is frustrating) because I'll just start feeling sick and, well, it sucks.

After breakfast we started putting on our cosplays for the day; I was to do a Darkrai gijinka from Pokémon and Sacchan did shiny Umbreon. I had some trouble with the eye makeup so Sacchan did the Jack Sparrow eyes for me, haha. ( ; 3;)
When we were done all four of us started walking towards Verkatehdas, which ended up being really close to the hotel. We took the slightly longer shore way to check for photoshoot locations and just outside the hotel there were this really cool stone ruin things and I, of course, wanted a quick shooting there.

Cosplayer: Shiro Samurai (Darkrai)
Photographer: Sacchan & Frozen Angel
Photo editor: Shiro Samurai

When we got to the con area my first impression when I saw the outside was "uhmm, looks a bit dead"; I was somehow expecting there to be a bit more life outside. Then again, it's not really alarming because you just kinda assume most people stay indoors anyway.

A view of Verkatehdas' entrance. The building Cosvision was held in.
As soon as we stepped inside we went to get our con tickets from the table in the entrance – it went very quick and without issues. What surprised me though was that the con bands were not fabric and not paper either. They were plastic and looked like those wrist bands you get in hospital when you're stuck there with some serious disease. What the fuck. I was honestly kinda disappointed. The ticket made me look like I had just escaped from some asylum, lol. It didn't feel like a con ticket.

Cosvision con ticket.
My first two impressions as soon as we got to the main area of the con were "confusing" and "comme ci comme ça". It felt like there was something missing. I was honestly kinda weirded out when the first thing I saw was groups and groups of con attendants just filling out the stairs doing nothing; it instantly gives an impression that people are bored and have nothing else to do than engage in idle chitchat with their friends. It was disappointing because there was not much to do and you could tell on the people that pretty much everyone seemed to be thinking the same things you were, aka that the con felt half-assed and overhyped. I mean, the location/building is great and very fitting for a con but some placements were poor *coughartistalleycough* and it felt a bit confusing. The main issue though was that there simply was nothing to do unless you liked to play board games or stuff like Twister or something. There was no video game room, no anime karaoke, no crafts room, no activities, nothing. Time went by so slowly because you just spent time staring at the clock and walking through the merchandise hall over and over again, although you had nothing to buy.
I can sorta understand that because it's a cosplay focused con they maybe didn't prioritize activities for whatever reasons (hard to sit in elaborate costumes etc) but seriously, if there's nothing to do people just end up sitting on the floors and stairs and the whole con atmosphere disappears or feels like a "hang out with friends con", no matter how big and pompous the con's original idea was. Honestly, Cosvision ended up feeling like a Kitacon in the south with some top-class cosplays. Really disappointing and especially so because the last Cosvision was a success.

I spent almost all of my con time just sitting around whenever wherever and just chatting with my friends and photoshooting outside. It was so dull and if I had gone alone I would have been bored out of my mind in, like, 10 minutes. Once again it was my company that saved the con experience and my Nintendo 3DS. I also really enjoyed that I got to see some con friends I hadn't seen in a couple years, like Ri-kun.

Random photo of the main area.
Entrance view.
Oh and yeah, the merchandise hall was kinda... lackluster. There was like below 10 shops and they were all those basic ones that you see at every Finnish convention and which products you've already plowed through more than enough times. Only Bard & Jester was refreshing to see and their stuff is always inspiring to look at anyway. Oh and yeah, there was this one little shop there where you could buy slush and cotton candy – that was a cool surprise that I wasn't expecting.

A big selection of Ramune flavors. Too overpriced for my taste though.
Merchandise hall.
Merchandise hall. The shop to the left (Bard & Jester) was the best/coolest one!
I need to say that the placement of Artist's Alley was meh. I honestly completely missed it on the first day because it was placed in a spot where it was hidden by the entrance area's wall, no matter which direction you came from. There was no signs either telling people that it was there; the only sign pointing to that direction said "ticket information spot" or something like that and it didn't even cross my mind to check it out because I didn't have any issues with my con ticket, lol. I think the cinema was there too but yeah, never saw a sign for the Artist's Alley.
It felt like Artist's Alley probably suffered from the bad placing; they were kinda separated from the rest of the building where stuff happened, you know, the "dark corner" effect. Why wasn't it put in the same place as the merchandise hall? It would have been better because then the merch hall wouldn't have felt so empty.
Artist's Alley was small (approximately 6 sellers) and I didn't really find the items for sale that interesting – almost everyone sold necklaces/jewelry, for some reason. I did find a nice Megaman necklace that I bought as a present for my big sister but I didn't buy anything for myself.

One of the Artist's Alley tables.
The photo above was by far the best thing with Artist's Alley – I honestly mentally died of laughter when I saw it. xD Non-Finnish people won't get it but those weird Donald Duck things are a huge meme in Finland (Finland is a Donald Duck country, fyi) that was made by SilliS. Pretty much everyone knows them –at least if they've spent time on Youtube's weird side– and they are absolutely hilarious, if you have that kind of humor of course. The guy selling those presumably had some contact with SilliS himself (probably friends) and they had teamed up to create those merchandises. Yes, I asked him and he told me that it was a collaboration project with SilliS so yeah, they were as official as they could be! I was sad that the Donald ones had sold out because I would instantly have bought a necklace with "AQ-sedä" on it, hihi.

Around 16:00 or something all four of us headed back to the hotel to eat some provisions and some of us changed out of cosplay. Me and Sacchan then got hungry and we headed out with the car to go find a Hesburger. It turned out Hämeenlinna, aka Hämärälinna, is a confusing place to drive in – we got lost and just went around in circles and then we ended up accidentally exiting Hämeenlinna and going into the main road. Oops. Luckily there came an ABC shop/restaurant/gasoline station (it's all three of them, lol) where we could turn our car around and then, much to our luck in misfortune, said ABC had a Hesburger! It didn't quite go as planned but we got our burgers so we were happy, lol.

Obligatory con diet. #heseläski
After stuffing our faces with cheeseburgers we headed back to the hotel to leave the car and then we decided to go back to the con. Much to our surprise we quickly learned at the con's outdoor area that it had already closed for the day. Excuse me but... what the actual fuck?
The con closed its doors 18:00 on the goshdarn main day and I had a hard time believing it. Seriously, I paid 25,70 € for a two-day weekend ticket and it closes at fucking six in the evening?? Urrrrgh. >_> What a waste of money! I'm an evening person and that's about the time I get started and into the con mood but lolnope, you pay a high ticket price for a con that closes in time for the kiddies to have supper and go to sleep. The disappointments just kept coming, I swear.
I'm used to even small cons in Sweden being, first off, three days long and, secondly, both cheaper and open 24/7. Finnish cons are such a joke in comparison and everything's overpriced and adghsadsjhafjh – it's just not worth it. I guess I'll keep to going to cons in Sweden in the future because every time I give a Finnish con in the south a chance lately I've just ended up with a huge hole in my wallet and nothing to make it worth all the travel expenses etc all the way from the north. Bah.

So yeah, we stayed outside to photoshoot Firith's cosplay and then he and Frozen Angel wanted to do some Hetalia pairing photos. We had a lot of laughs because things escalated quickly but it got cold past sunset and I ended up freezing so bad I had trouble pressing the buttons on my camera. On the way back to the hotel I also somehow twisted my left knee (I have weird joints) and it hurt like living hell. I'm not normally the person to complain about pain but it was seriously so bad I could not bend my knee at all and thus had to walk with my left leg completely straight.
We made our way back to the hotel, most of us disappointed and annoyed with the overly early closing time. Me and Sacchan stayed outside to photoshoot my Darkrai costume more properly now that I got to borrow FankiFox's long black gloves. The photoshoot pictures will be posted separately.

The remainder of the night I spent chitchatting with Sacchan and we came to the conclusion that Cosvision really was a bummer or, as we said in Finnish, "mitäänsanomaton ja juostenpaskattu". Seeing how early it closed it's not worth it because we seriously spent more time in the car driving to the con than at the con itself, lol. It's just so weird because they had two years to make it good and still it feels like the arrangers just pooped and the execution fell short. The whole con just felt so lackluster and indifferent and it didn't make things better that panels and lectures were cancelled left and right, including the one by Panther's Tear Forge about cosplay against bullying, which I had looked forward to the most on Saturday. There were few panels to begin with and that also made for the feeling that there was nothing to do and it only got worse because stuff got cancelled and nothing replaced the gaping holes in the schedule. Then again, it's not really the con's fault if a lecturer informs super late that they can't come, but still. The amount of bore was too much, especially considering the ticket price – take off 10 € from the price and it would have been acceptable.

Sunday morning eventually came and we woke up at seven. I noticed early on that my eyes were living their own life and because of it I decided to skip cosplaying Hatori on this day. My eyes were seriously watering so much I could not even keep them open; I was squinting and rubbing and my eyes just cried non-stop for hours and it was horrible. I've never experienced anything like it. The corners of my eyes were super sensitive too and wearing any kind of makeup was out of the question.
Normally going without a cosplay would have felt like going naked but now I didn't even feel bad about it, mainly because of the disappointment – it felt like it didn't even matter. Sure that I would have loved to take pair photos with Firith as Ayame but oh well, no can do when my eyes took the early checkout ticket.

Me and Sacchan headed directly for the hotel's breakfast buffet as soon as we put on our clothes and I'm not gonna lie – the hotel breakfast was more interesting than the con itself; I looked forward to it more. The food was surprisingly good and varied (I've eaten at a lot of restaurant breakfasts) and it was the highlight of the day, lol. Going to the con wasn't exciting at all and we didn't even care about being there early because there wasn't anything to do anyway.

Hotel breakfast, showing the options of "what to put on your bread".
Cookies, nuts and muesli etc.
My first plate. The Karelian pastries were awesome.
14:00 I headed for Cidi's and Hitsuwa's lecture – at least it wasn't cancelled. I liked it, it was fun and nice to listen to what they had to say. The bad thing is that the person keeping track of time (a con worker) fucked up and so their panel ended at least 15 minutes ahead of time because she was stressing them up, even though they would have had plenty of time. ._. Seriously...

Panel start.

We left the con around 16:30 because my mom called me while I was in the food market with Ri-kun (buying something to eat) and asked if we had left Hämeenlinna already. I told her that we were about to leave and she told us to hurry up because absolutely horrible weather –and thus driving conditions– was coming our way; seemingly it had even been announced in the news that anyone going out with summer tires should stay home or take public transports like train or bus. It was supposed to be that bad but, honestly, we drove all the way home and not a shit happened. Then again, maybe we were just master ninjas and magically avoided the bad weather somehow, who knows?


But yeah, I don't even know what more to say about the con itself. The whole con was such a mess and it lacked anything to make it entertaining and worthwhile, save for amazing cosplayers. It really needed more activities, more panels, more sellers, more everything. People really put on their best outfits but the con itself was such a drag and a huge disappointment. :( I remember the first Cosvision fondly but this was just so bad that I don't even think I'd attend the next Cosvision unless some real improvements happen; it simply was not worth the money and time it took for us three to travel there and back. 
It was sooooo disappointing that I don't even know what to say! So much wasted potential because seriously, they had all the time and means to make it amazing (I mean come on, the only cosplay-focused con in the whole country!) and still it managed to end up so bland and insignificant. It's just sad because I at least had high expectations and hopes for the con and then it ended up being such a mediocre "hang with friends" con, except with amazing cosplays.

One of the best things of the con was that I got Elffi's signature!
That's about all that I have to say. Thanks for reading. 

April 13, 2016

Cosvision 2016 cosplans – Be black and cover your eye!

Well, guess what guys?

My next convention will be Cosvision in Hämeenlinna, Finland, on 23-24 April. I'm not sure if I've revealed it anywhere but there ya go I'm coming after all!

The con is less than two weeks away now and yeah, I thought it would be about time to finally decide on what I'm going to cosplay there since, honestly, I've had a lot of problems with my cosplay plans changing every other day. ^^" I'm still not 100% sure that this is the final line-up but it should be assuming that no sudden cosplay malfunction happens or such.


Regarding the con itself I need to say that at first I was unsure if I would even attend Cosvision. I was on the very first one in 2014 and now that the second one is coming up I felt very conflicted about attending; one part of me remembered how much I enjoyed the first Cosvision and the other part reminded me of how uncomfortable I've felt at bigger conventions lately. In one way I had been waiting for the return of Cosvision very eagerly and, on the other hand, my anxieties were telling me that it's gonna be a waste of money because I might not even feel okay there. I felt so torn and it was horrible to try to decide on what to do.
One thing was sure though – I refused to go without a group of friends. And thus I quickly learned that my brother, Frozen Angel, really really really wanted to go. I didn't really want to let him down because he's been hyped about the con ever since I went to the first one and told him what a blast it was; I guess he regretted not going back then and now he wanted to make up for it. I also managed to get Sacchan interested and that made me feel safe and understood because now I had someone else who knew what I was feeling; we both were really uncertain about attending because we've both been feeling bad at cons lately, for various reasons, but then we just decided to gamble and went all "I'll go if you go and if we feel shit at the con then we'll just withdraw to a corner and play Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate together." yaassss!
Originally Ronya was supposed to come with us too but she had to jump out a few weeks before the con would roll in because of health reasons. I still hope we'll get to go to a con together soon. :'(

Sorry about all the gloom but yeah, I'm really just hoping that Cosvision will be fun and that I won't feel shit there because, honestly, who wants to feel bad somewhere where you're supposed to feel safe and happy? I'm hoping it will have the same relaxed atmosphere as it had back when it was in Turku – I really want this to be a successful trip and not another Desucon Frostbite 2015.

But here comes the cosplay plans!

Series: Pokémon
Character: Darkrai (gijinka)

This is the result of my "holy shit, I need to come up with a Saturday cosplay that I can pull from my closet!"-panic when I realized I had less than two weeks to go. Then again, I don't really mind because Darkrai is pretty cool and come on, he's like the Freddy Krueger of Pokémon, lol. Darkrai might not be one of my favorites (he's more Frozen Angel's type of Pokémon) because I prefer Cresselia and Arceus more from the same generation's legendaries/mythicals but yeah, I love me some black and spooky shit.

Series: Fruits Basket
Character: Hatori Sohma

Hatori was not originally on my cosplay list (I had considered doing him once but that's about it) but then Firith asked me if I was interested in a Furuba pair cosplay with him as Ayame and I thought "why the hell not?". I mean, I haven't cosplayed from Fruits Basket in a while and Hatori is a very likable guy from the series – actually, he's my third favorite character from it. :) 
I'll go with the random suit version instead of the probably-more-well-known vest and white doctor-ish jacket outfit. Oh and yeah, I'll do the long hair version and the manga portrayal instead of the anime version, which means that I'll have violet eyes instead of those weird dark greenish-gray eyes he has in the anime. Violet looks more fab, period. My reasoning though? The anime sucks and the manga is awesome and, besides, the manga is the original source anyway.


That's about it for my plans. I hope to meet some friends at the con and I pray that it's gonna be worth it. I can say already now though that, as far as the cons in Finland go, I'm very unlikely to attend any other big con for the whole year; I'll still attend the local small cons but otherwise I'm really trying to save my money and prioritize some other things in life that are coming up this year. I have some Swedish cons in mind *coughnärconcough* that I want to go to but we'll see what my money situation says when the time is closer...

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for cosplay previews! Bye bye ~

January 22, 2016

Convention plans 2016!

Yo peeps!

I thought I could do a list of what anime conventions I have planned to go to this year. I will order the cons by an estimated date when they will happen (not in chronological order since all dates aren't even out yet). ^_^ I've been thinking about doing this kind of list as a reference to both myself and all my friends who want to know where they might have a good chance of meeting me!

 Let's go!


SWE • Närcon Vinter 2016
FIN • Cosvision 2016
FIN • Kummacon 2016
SWE • Skecon 2016
SWE • Närcon 2016
SWE • Nerdcon 2016
FIN • Matsucon 2016
FIN • Tracon 2016
FIN • Kitacon 2016

And here's the "how likely I am to attend each con" list.

Närcon Vinter > SET
Cosvision > LIKELY
Kummacon > VERY LIKELY
Skecon > SET
Nerdcon > SET
Matsucon > VERY LIKELY
Kitacon > SET

The scale goes like this: set > very likely > likely > considering

Please note that these can still change and that I might have missed to list a con or two; if I get sick or something I obviously won't be able to go to a con, even if it was marked "set" etc. ^^" This list is just an estimation and I reserve the right for any changes, adjustments etc. 
Cons that are not listed I have no interest in attending, or the interest is so small that I just didn't bother to list them. Oh, and Kemin mangapäivä (Kemi's manga day) is not listed because I have no clue when it is and well, you can't really consider it a convention anyway.

Thanks for checking this out and I hope to see you peeps around!
Ciao mjau!

May 22, 2014

Cosvision 2014 – Epic samurai battle, fanboying and too much onion

Hello geeks & peeps!

The Cosvision weekend is now past, for a while ago, and I got to experience the first convention held in Finland that was solely dedicated to cosplay!
I must say that whoever came up with having a cosplay-centered con deserves a cookie because hey, I had a blast and there were a lot more interesting panels and cosplays to see than in your average manga & anime based convention. Also you don't get the unpleasant thought of "you don't belong at this con because you only come here to cosplay and hang with friends, so piss off and let the real target audience who attend the con's programs get the tickets instead" which has appeared lately in the Finnish con scene. Thus I voice a huge "YES PLEASE!" to more cosplay focused cons!
But enough of that, let's hear now about my Cosvision journey and all the epicness it included, let's go!

Pre-con journey (aka Attack on Spurgu) 8-9.5.2014

My journey to the south started already on early Thursday morning. Me and Hasakitsuki woke up, finished our suitcase packing and went to the new bus station in town when we were done eating breakfast and shit. We spent quite the time waiting for the bus in town because we'd rather be too early than too late. Oh, and also we prepared our stomachs for the con-diet-to-come by eating hamburgers at Max for lunch/dinner before we left. :'D The bus took us to Kemi around after-noon something and our train towards Turku (actually, Tampere, but we changed there to a Turku train) left from Kemi train station 19:31 local time.
We ended up molding at the train station and had an encounter with your ordinary Finnish possibly homeless spurgu drunk. He looked 50+ and was accompanied by another guy, potentially drunk as well. When we arrived at the train station he kind of, I dunno, greeted me in slang Finnish and it took me a while to understand but I just ignored him anyway and went inside the waiting room. The drunk guy(s) soon came in as well and sat down not so far from us. I decided to listen to music just so that he would be less likely to approach me further and it worked – but he went and talked to this random girl instead. This girl ended up talking with the drunk a lot and he offered her to drink directly from a bottle of alcohol he had been carrying... and she did it, eww! I was disgusted and lost a bit more hope of young mankind but oh well, to each their own. *shrug* God knows who else had drunk from it...
At some point me and Hasakitsuki went to the nearby Lidl and bought provisions for the journey and we happened to see the drunk guy go into the Rovaniemi train, to which we mentally sighed in relief – I mean, I wouldn't have wanted him in the same train we took! He made me very uncomfortable because he was overly social, said some not-sure-if-complimenting-or-suspicious comments to this one girl and yeah, I just don't like drunks around me. Period.
In the train we just lagged, played video games, got so hungry we could die and barely slept at all. I swear when I finally was tired enough to be able to sleep on a train (which is not easy for me) then, of course, the guy in the seat in front of me had to snore. Loudly. Half the night at least. Not amused.
We had a train change at Tampere not even five in the morning and when we stepped out of the train station –in hopes of finding some food place that would be open– I got all the Tracon feels all over again when we passed by the familiar roads! But enough of Tracon feels, we had fucking-hungry-stomach-feels and our Tampere stroll proved to be fruitless... until we found a McDonald's that *le gasp* was open. And there was a lot of students inside. Breakfast time five on the Friday morning, anyone? Normally neither of us would put our feet inside this place but it was McDonald's or nothing and well, hunger and sudden shit needs bathroom needs ultimately win you over, I swear.
The continuation Train to Turku left 05:56 and well, during our almost two hours waiting time at Tampere train station we had yet another lovely meeting – drunk guy duo, take two. So we were just sitting on our blue suitcase in the underground part leading to the train tracks, minding our own, when two young-ish men approached us, of which the louder one started talking. We ignored him but then he started trying to ask us something and Hasakitsuki saved us by pretending to only be able to speak French. The second guy maybe wasn't drunk but the one talking to us was pretty surely and to make it better or worse? pretty much every third word he used was a swear word and he kept repeating "I am so pissed" and such. It was very uneasy and quite scary to be around them but finally the second guy told the other one to leave us alone already and so they moved away... but we weren't spared from random drunks just yet. *badumtssh*
At some point the main area of the train station opened and we moved there because it's more comfy and well, while we were sitting and waiting a security guard guy started confronting an old-ish man who was sitting with a very bent back. It quickly became obvious that we had stumbled upon yet another spurgu experience but at least this one was the least scary/uneasiness-inducing one. Basically this guy was drunk as piss (it was near impossible to understand his slurs) and the security guard guy tried to take the drunk with him but the drunk refused to budge –even though le security guy tried taking his arm by force several times and his backpack as well– and then they started a verbal fight and the security guy just... gave up and went away? I don't know but the spurgu stayed in place until he moved towards the R-kioski because he saw that the working lady appeared and was about to open the shop; the drunk asked when they would open and the woman screamed in Finnish "WE OPEN AFTER A QUARTER OF AN HOUR!!". I tried to hold my laughter because it was overly amusing for my tired brain; she surely wasn't amused by drunks.
The train to Turku was chill and more comfortable than the previous one (on the Kemi train we ended up in an old cart and yeah, your ass gets glat in less than two hours of sitting) and soon enough we jumped off at Turku train station and awaited Ri-kun to pick us up and drive to their home place, aka our sleeping accommodation during the con weekend. At Ri-kun's we took a nap, watched the first episode of Shingeki no Kyojin –aka Attack on Titan– along with some cracky fandom stuff from the series and slept later than we should have. Yee.

No comment.
This was stuck in my head for the rest of the Cosvision weekend. xD

Cosvision Saturday 10.5.2014

We woke up 07:30, lagged around in bed for a while and then all three of us went to have breakfast and then it was time to put on our cosplays. My cosplay for the day was Hajime Saitou from Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan. I got to borrow Ri-kun's swords for Saitou over the con weekend because my wooden ones are still broken.
We arrived at the con not long after opening time and me and Hasakitsuki exchanged our con ticket receipt papers for fabric tickets.

Hasakitsuki showing the Cosvision con ticket.
I took some generic convention photos as well of the location. I must say that Logomo (famous from Voice of Finland) is great for holding a con, it's roomy, easy to move in and the air quality was good inside. Also it was never crammed or anything; then again I guess Logomo could have fit a lot more attendants. I hope more people will come to Cosvision next time. Also the Artist's Alley was organized and positioned in one of the best ways I've seen at a con so far! Huge bonus for that.

Logomo building map in front of the entrance.
Logomo backside, I assume.
Inside, close to the info desk and entrance.
Artist's Alley.
Main hall.
Main hall seen from higher ground.
I was tempted by that surfing Jesus t-shirt but it was too expensive. :'(
Geeky merchandiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiise!
Cool medieval-ish stuff.
Hungry like a Titan!

At some point I saw a group of InuYasha cosplayers gather near the entrance and I went to ask them if they have more characters coming in later to the group; they told me to wait a bit more if I wanted a photo of the whole group and so I waited. A bit later I saw they had more cosplayers and I went to ask again but they still had more people on the wait. Then, just when I had agreed to go photoshoot a friend's cosplay I noticed that the InuYasha group had pretty dang many characters gathered (including rarer characters I've never seen cosplayed IRL before). I thought I'd find them later so I went to shoot and –of course– when I was done shooting I never saw the whole group again and this made me want to smack myself in the face. With a frying pan. Hard. :( I was pretty annoyed with myself for missing this opportunity because come on, InuYasha was basically the first manga I got to collect and love (childhood Pokémon craze excluded) and so, when I see Inu cosplayers, I feel all kinds of nostalgic feelings and aah. ;A; Oh well, I can always hope that the group would appear at a future con... *crosses fingers*

Towards the afternoon our trio got pretty dang hungry so we headed out of our geeky building to go fetch some food. We ended up in the Kerttu restaurant which is seemingly specialised for youths and poor students. Sounds like right for me! :'D eiku

Inside they had the most beautiful menu list I've ever seen:

Protip: Open on a new page to view bigger version!
I ordered the cheapest pasta they had and it was actually pretty good – it tasted a lot. Really. Also, considering how cheap it was you got a lot of food and the quality was nice! I would go to this restaurant again if I ever find myself at a con in Turku, hah.

Pasta for life.

After the food we went back to the con and had a quick photoshoot at the awesome rock cliff things outside. There was actually a cave in there that you could enter and it was almost pitch-black when you walked in a few steps. Actually surprisingly scary... and especially if you have vivid imagination, lol. Also, the cave turned to the right at some point (aka got even more dark) but I never went this far. Yeah, I'm scared.
We stayed close to the cave's entrance and had a quick photoshoot.

Cosplayer: Valkoinen Samurai (Hajime Saitou) & Hasakitsuki (oni!Chizuru Yukimura)
Photographer: Ri-kun

Actually before the photoshoot there was like 30 minutes or less left of the con so when we were done shooting the con had pretty much closed for the day... and it started raining. Good thing Ri-kun had taken with them two umbrellas so we got back safely into their car without getting wet.
At Ri-kun's place we took off our cosplays, chilled, watched the Eurovision Song Contest and cheered for Conchita Wurst who ended up winning the whole shit and it felt pretty dang awesome. Her song was great! I also really liked Norway's song. After Eurovision we went to sleep.

Cosvision Sunday 11.5.2014

We woke up 07:30 again. My eyes wanted to die but I managed to get up anyway. I swear I hadn't slept the recommended amount of hours since at least half a week or so prior to the con. We had our breakfast and started putting on our cosplays again. Today it was time for me to debut a new cosplay – Souji Okita from Rurouni Kenshin's Tsuiokuhen / Trust & Betrayal OVA.
We arrived at the con slightly too late for me to go attend Narudossu's panel or more like, I got an urgent need to pee just as we got to the con and everyone knows that bathroom needs and hakama is slow so I went to the "Miehenä cosplayn maailmassa" panel instead, which started 30 minutes after Narudossu's panel.
The panel itself was pretty okay, sometimes funny and sometimes a bit, I don't know, sometimes it felt like it took too long to move on to the next thing (they got sidetracked a bit) and I got a bit bored, I guess. Then again that might just be me comparing this panel to the similar one held in Oulu's Animeseminaari last year that I personally think was the better one of the two. But all in all this Cosvision panel was worth my time.

A few panel photos:

Actually a bit before I attended the panel I ran into Kenshin and we agreed to have the photoshoot after I was done.. and so we did! Good thing Hasakitsuki was wearing a lolita outfit because this made it a bit easier for her to move around and photoshoot us.

Cosplayer: Valkoinen Samurai (Souji Okita) & Anniilaugh (Kenshin Himura)
Photographer: Hasakitsuki
Photo editor: Anniilaugh

I must say that the photoshoot was probably the highlight of the whole con for me, it was way too much fun! Oh and all the derps – the sausage skin hakama, the wig that flew off, the elephant legs. xD This needs to be redone! I can't wait for next time! *hype*
Also Kenshin helped me down from that little 'hill' I was standing on; it was shit scary and hard to get up there with my wannabe geta shoes and even harder to get back down again. Luckily enemies are not always enemies and Kenshin offered to help. Funnily Hasakitsuki took some photos and I think this one looks a bit like "nuuu I didn't really want to kill you after all!"

Bonus! Helping Okita down!

Actually at some point we thought about having a follow-up shoot with battle damage and blood and such; but when we went to have our needed photoshoot break we headed for town looking for a cafeteria first.

Hungry samurai on the way ~

For some reason we didn't find any cafeteria and the nearest food store was closed because of Mother's Day so we went into the train station and raided the R-kioski that was there. Anniilaugh and Hasakitsuki bought cupcakes but I was too cool for that shit and bought "just a few" chocolate provisions for the train trip back. They were on sale, come on.

Wait, why this suspense?
Well, you see, I have a photo that I had a lot of fun editing... and it kinda went out of control...


Now the crack is out of my system. 

When we got back to the con we learned that Anniilaugh soon had to leave so we didn't have time for the epic follow-up shoot or more like, we would have had time but it wouldn't have been much and it would have been stressy. We decided that we'll postpone it for a later convention so that we will have more time. So yeah, Kenshin left our company *sniff* and me and Hasakitsuki just chilled around. Ri-kun showed up before too long and we all just sat on one of the tables and lagged – and then I got hungry. Yeah, I hadn't eaten any of the chocolates! I actually had a tuna triangle sandwich in Ri-kun's car so they went to fetch it for me because my feet were screaming of standing/walking too much. I got my sandwich before long and had a snack.

Yum, sandwich time!

It didn't take long after the sandwich was in my stomach when I spotted one of the Guest of Honors – KANAME☆. I think my brain did a backflip and I entered instant fanboy mode! I swear, this normally never happens, I don't know what went into me haha. Actually I had seen him before but he was busy so I was being a discreet stalker and waiting for him to look not-so-busy anymore so that I could go ask for a photo.. 
I ended up getting to talk to him a little, taking some photos of his outfit and then the inner fanboy got the better of me and I had to ask to get to take a photo next to him.

I even got his signature, hehe.

Okay, back to reality. Or more like, the con itself. But truth be told after the short meeting with
KANAME☆ there wasn't much con time left. 30 minutes or so before Cosvision was about to close me and Hasakitsuki went and changed out of cosplay – or well, everything except the cosplay make-up and the wig for now. We just quickly threw everything into the suitcase that we had taken with us to the con (stored in Ri-kun's car until the con's final moments when we went to pick it up) and then we waited for Ri-kun's friends to show up; we had planned to go eat dinner together in town after the con.
We ended up in a Chinese restaurant called Golden Dragon, just next to the train station. I ordered some chicked food with lemongrass and coconut milk because it sounded awesome but what actually was on my plate when it arrived was a buttload of onions, far from awesome. ONIONS. Did I tell you there was no single mention of onions in the menu whatsoever and that I really dislike onion in food in general? I've never been this disappointed in any restaurant dish before that shit had never even seen lemongrass in its life and where's the coconut milk anyway? There was no liquid-ish thing on the plate to even speak of. I swear the only thing on the plate was some bland tasteless slimy chicken and onions. It wasn't even chicken with onions, it was onions with chicken! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 
I barely ate anything of my food but luckily one of Ri-kun's friend's had another dish that at least tasted a bit better than the crap I was served and which said friend let me have a part of. But yeah, I was dang disappointed, almost to the point of being furious and when we all went to pay I complained to the lady in the desk and told them to rename the dish "chicken with onions" to not screw over further customers. She didn't even apologize for the disappointing and misleading dish or anything, argh! I know for sure I won't ever put my food in this restaurant ever again. The toilets were disgusting as well. All my thumbs and big toes down.

After the craptacular food it was time for me and Hasakitsuki to leave for the train station and so we bid Ri-kun's company farewell and jumped into the train. The train ride back went without any spurgu encounters but there was a young girl on the seats on the other side of ours staring at us for half the journey in the Tampere train, fucking uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing. When we arrived at Kemi early on the morning 06:19 mom came and picked us up and all was well.

Let's end this with pics of the stuff that I bought!

Flareon plushie and Boo light, latter is now in Jäätynyt Enkeli's care.
I also bought a blood bottle necklace that's not pictured.

I think I've talked enough for now.. but hey, there's the obligatory bonus picture waiting to end this shit. Here, have it!


serious fight. much intense. such scare. wow.

Yah, that's it for Cosvision! I'm already longing for the next one!
Thanks for reading and see ya!