Greetings everyone!
This year has passed us by just as fast as the year before and yes, it feels weird to think that it's soon 2025 – like hell no it isn't! This year I've managed to keep up a similar tempo as last year when it comes to con attendance and I think that's a win, especially because in this day and economy it's not a given that you can go wherever you want to. If there's anything that's a marked improvement when compared to 2023 it's the fact that, aside from Kummacon, I've actually managed to wear at least one cosplay for every convention I attended this year! It might sound like it's nothing special, I mean "that's what cosplayers do, wear costumes to cons" and all and, while that's ordinary and true for many, I do have a varied assortment of strugggles that makes it harder than it used to be way back when I first started. But hey, still here beating the odds and having fun despite the mind demons.
Cons attended in 2024:
Kummacon - Oulu, Finland
Nekocon - Kuopio, Finland
Mericon - Rauma, Finland
Matsucon - Oulu, Finland
Matsucon - Oulu, Finland
Gingacon - Tampere, Finland
Northern Lights Anime Party - Rovaniemi, Finland
Northern Lights Anime Party - Rovaniemi, Finland
I can't help but notice the Finland streak lol, not a single con attended in Sweden this year. Someday I want to go to Närcon again.
It's hard to pick favorites because every convention this year had its moments and I wouldn't trade any of those experiences away! But if I had to choose I'd say that Nekocon steals the crown once again – I'm sorry but the boba tea, anime convention and spa hotel combo is really hard to beat! On top of that we were graced with great weather, had a successful photoshoot and it was overall just a very memorable trip.
For honorable mentions I'd actually nominate Northern Lights Anime Party. Yes, the awkwardly named newcomer that I half expected to be a dud before I even set my foot inside. Despite how tiny the whole event was I had a whole day worth of fun in befriending Hant, which included playing a Dungeons & Dragons mini campaign and raiding in Pokémon Go... and raiding a Kotipizza in costumes. xD Small events really make you socialize more!
It's hard to pick favorites because every convention this year had its moments and I wouldn't trade any of those experiences away! But if I had to choose I'd say that Nekocon steals the crown once again – I'm sorry but the boba tea, anime convention and spa hotel combo is really hard to beat! On top of that we were graced with great weather, had a successful photoshoot and it was overall just a very memorable trip.
For honorable mentions I'd actually nominate Northern Lights Anime Party. Yes, the awkwardly named newcomer that I half expected to be a dud before I even set my foot inside. Despite how tiny the whole event was I had a whole day worth of fun in befriending Hant, which included playing a Dungeons & Dragons mini campaign and raiding in Pokémon Go... and raiding a Kotipizza in costumes. xD Small events really make you socialize more!
When it comes to cosplaying I've been on my strong foot this year when it comes to actually wearing my costumes out. Honestly, I haven't always felt like cosplaying on each con morning when it rolled in but I pushed through – and every time I've been glad that I did. I'm slowly but surely getting back to that whimsical and fun feeling of wearing a costume and, while I might not be there quite yet, the relapses into difficult terrain and setbacks aren't as prominent as they used to be. And while I can't magically whisk my panic syndrome disorders and other menaces away I can still choose to keep engaging in hobbies that give me an outlet for my needs in life – creative self-expression being a big one of them.
Umm, yeah.
It dawned on me, while making this post, that I actually don't have photos of the costumes I wore this year, except for Hotaru of course. :'DD I had planned photoshoots of the other ones too but they all fell through for one reason or another. When I realized that I can't really piece together a worthy end-of-year compilation photo I felt very much like the Spongebob meme above. Like come on, I had a decent year and still have almost nothing to show for it? xD
Here's a little list of what I wore at the cons I attended this year:
Kummacon: I was wearing alternative fashion.
Nekocon: Rewore Hotaru from Samurai Deeper Kyo on Saturday. Alt fashion on Sunday for ease of exploration lol.
Mericon: I reused my old Team Aqua Grunt costume from the original Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire games.
Matsucon: Samurai Deeper Kyo's Hotaru again on Saturday and casual clothes on Sunday.
Gingacon: I rewore my shiny Mightyena gijinka with some slight improvements since its previous outing (which was ages ago).Matsucon: Samurai Deeper Kyo's Hotaru again on Saturday and casual clothes on Sunday.
Northern Lights Anime Party: I went as my OC Yuuto.
I'm quite satisfied with the turnout for this year and I feel like this is a pretty good baseline to hold on to for the future. I don't feel like I've let myself down when it comes to last year's vague promises to myself but rather kept the engine running at a steady pace, which is the most important thing. I didn't end up competing this year either (I got asked twice lol), although I might or might not attempt to do something about it next year. Maybe. Regardless of how next year pans out I am very much hoping to create at least something new to debut!
And when it comes to this blog it will continue to churn out new content at hopefully regular intervals I still feel bad about those 2 months of silence at the earlier half of this year, man. Next year will feature more of the same quality content as always before –
colored contact lens reviews, cosplay WIP posts, photoshoots and
personal con summaries with lots of photos. So yeah, keep checking in
and let's share these journeys together~
Thanks to all readers old and new & Happy New Year 2025!