July 25, 2019

Lens review: Super Pinky Wine Red

Yo ho ho! and a bottle of rum

I'm back with another circle lens review! It's the Super Pinky Wine Red this time and it feels weird to think that all those years back the Super Pinky line was my first experience with circle lenses and here I am, again, reviewing another color. Almost feels a bit surreal, haha.

Let's do this!

Base curve: 8.6 mm
Diameter: 14.8 mm
Water content: 45%
Life span: 1 year (I recommend 6 months)

I'm not sure how popular these lenses still are but I remember them being all the rage among cosplayers when I started using circle lenses in 2013. Oh god that's 5 years ago, I feel the gray hairs coming lol!

There is already a red lens in the Super Pinky lineup but why have one red lens when you can have two? Yep, this is one of the few lens series with two red lenses! It's pretty boss and these Wine Red ones are quite unique in what color they bring to the table – it's a dark, almost a bit brownish red and it's great!

One lens in.
The color is interesting, it's very different from the other red lenses in the market. It's notably darker and more, err, sophisticated I guess? It's not a pushover by any means, it's not creepy looking but it's still very obviously red and lowkey still in your face. Red lenses will always be attention-grabbing purely because it's freaking red and as we all know it's really not a natural eye color. :D But seriously, this is a pretty whack color and I dig it, just see for yourself on the photos below!

The Super Pinky lenses are fairly big but since they lack any kind of defined limbal ring it's not really dolly looking. It's still a very enlarging lens, don't get me wrong.

Lens photos below!
All photos taken by me during a July evening with a mostly clear sky. There's no color filters or such on the close-up photos and that's so that the colors would be as true to real life as possible.
Natural room light indoors.
Yellow room light indoors.
Flash photo.
Very poor natural room light. Next to an unlit corridor.
Facing window. (not sun side)
Outdoors, back against sun. (facing wall)
Outdoors, facing the light/sky while being under the roof's shadow.
Outdoors, facing the sun directly.
Color coverage is good and somehow these actually blend surprisingly well with my light blue-gray eyes! I was pretty surprised but once I looked closer I saw that there's a bunch of transparent areas between the colored streaks which makes the color appear so, umm, can I say natural?? The way the color is printed is quite soft in appearance, it avoids any kind of abrupt 'clashing' effect completely and this is a very good thing. I honestly like these lenses and wish I would have had more time with them.

Regarding comfort I had no issues whatsoever during my run with these, but as with many other reviews lately I will mention that I reviewed these past their expiry date (cuz I have such a backlog and didn't have time earlier) so I only took the photos and then discarded the lenses and yes, this means that my comfort grades are solely based on first impressions and thus likely not 100% accurate. But with that said these lenses were still immensely comfortable, super thin and I literally didn't even feel that I had lenses on! I would say that they are comfy, if anything negative they might start drying a bit fast but that could just as well be my naturally ultra dry eyes acting up. Can't say for sure but I estimate wearing time to be 3-5 hours, which is good in my standards. Remember I have very very dry eyes so my rough estimates are probably more like 5-8 hours to "normal eyes", lol.

I would recommend these lenses, in particular if you need this kind of dark red color as it's quite unique. It's like a ruby or a wine red pretty much, just as the name implies. It's a red lens that actually doesn't look creepy or scary in any way – so if you always wanted to rock red eyes without instantly being labelled as that weird vampire goth person then these might be it. xD A great lens for costuming and fashion alike!

Distance photo!

Want to see the Super Pinky lenses in other colors?
Check out these reviews:
Violet, Red, Green, Black
Short summary:

Color: 8/10 
It's a dark, aged red. Different from other red lenses and really pleasant.
Design: 6/10 
Simple but it does it's job and looks lovely in its own way.
Opacity: 8/10
I have no complaints, my eye color definitely changed.
Enlargement: 7/10 
Big but I don't feel like they look all that big, lack of a black rim does a lot to the illusion.
Comfort: 7/10 
Appears to be great. Really thin and I don't even feel that I have lenses on, which is great as my eyes are really dry and sensitive. These lenses might dry a bit faster than some others, not sure?
Naturalness: 3/10 
For being red it's among the best you can get but... uhh, still red.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to drop a comment if you have any questions.

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