August 4, 2017

[Sponsored] Lens review: GEO Xtra Forest Red

Hello folks!

This time I'll be reviewing the GEO Xtra Forest Red (aka WT-B68) circle lenses, sponsored by the lovely and sweet circle lens shop called CirclelensesEurope, also known as Cirkellinser. ^_^ I've done multiple reviews for them before so, in case you've read any of my previous reviews, you'll know by now that I really love and support this store! It's so handy when they're based in Sweden and I live there too, haha ~

The lenses I'm reviewing in this post were kindly sponsored by CirclelensesEurope, aka Cirkellinser. Rest assured knowing that all my reviews are purely 100% my honest opinion. I don't ever compromise the truth.

The discount code "SAMURAI" gives you 10% off on any order placed on both CircleLensesEurope and Cirkellinser – feel free to use it! ♥

Base curve: 8.8 mm
Diameter: 14.8 mm
Water content: 40±2%
Life span: 1 year (I recommend 6 months)

Note: To all my Swedish readers, please scroll to the end of this post for a summary in Swedish. // Till alla mina svenska läsare, bläddra gärna till slutet av detta inlägg för en sammanfattning på svenska. :)

Before I start with the actual review of the lenses I want to tell you guys a little about CirclelensesEurope, also known as Cirkellinser. You might wonder why I'm mentioning two stores but the thing is that it's actually the same store, just for two different markets – CirclelensesEurope is catering for the whole Europe while Cirkellinser is for the Swedes. Both sites have the same people behind it, the same products for sale, ship from the same place etc so yeah, nothing weird there. Neither of them is a copycat or a scam site so you can buy from both of them with confidence!

Both of their sites are fresh, inviting, cute and easy to use. There is not a crazy amount of circle lenses to choose from since they seem to focus on just a couple lens brands – GEO and EOS, respectively. But what CirclelensesEurope lack in options they make up for with really high-speed and cheap shipping – it's a flat price of 3€ for anywhere in Europe. The fast shipping puts CirclelensesEurope at an advantage over Asia-based lens stores because yeah, if you're a cosplayer and need lenses urgently (let's say, a week before the con) then this here is the store you should be praying to.

Regarding the shipping and handling time I want to say that I've always received my orders extremely fast – most commonly already on the next working day. Shipping to Sweden is usually 1-2 days and to the rest of Europe it's 3-7 days and it also says on their site that they ship out within 24 hours.

If you wonder to what European countries (note: they do NOT ship outside of Europe!!) they ship to then this is what it says on their site:
We deliver to following countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom and Austria.
Their customer service is solid; they seem to answer within 24 hours, even during weekends it seems. Customer service is also really kind and easy to approach while still having that professional air to it. All in all CirclelensesEurope is a very easy and smooth shop to deal with, safe to buy from and I would definitely recommend them to all fellow European (and Swedish) cosplayers and circle lens fans! They are a really good store, all in all.

 ~***~ Lens review continues ~***~

The lenses arrived in a small regular white bubblewrap envelope that easily fits into your average mailbox so yeah, at least I didn't have to go pick it up from the nearest post center, which is on the other side of town. The shipping is super quick, as always, and normally shouldn't take much more than a couple days within Sweden.

Inside the white envelope the lenses are packed in a small super cute drawstring bag – I love small details like this! With the order also came a free lens case (of course), a fancy business card with a hand-written 'thank you' note on the back, a GEO Medical information sheet (because I received GEO lenses) and, of course, the shop's own leaflet with information about their guarantees, wear & care etc – it's a really good piece of advice for all the first-time contact lens users out there!


Before wearing any contact lenses I always take them out of their little glass bottles and put them to soak overnight in lens solution – it's not recommended to wear lenses straight out of the vials!

I have naturally very light blue-gray eyes (gray-blue? I don't know xD) and the color of these lenses shows up amazingly well on my eyes! It's a super rich and deep, intense medium-dark red color that is sure to catch attention. It's a super pretty color, I adore it! It's just really cool and definitely suitable for cosplay purposes, especially for close-up shots.
The design consists of irregular black streaks that run towards the center and make the lenses appear almost alluring in some way; it's a pretty cool effect and I dig it, to be honest. There's a thin black limbal ring to frame the lenses as well and the red color fades a little the closer to the pupil hole it gets. I don't experience any red corners in my eyes or tunnel vision effects while wearing these lenses.

One lens in. Notice the size difference.
The enlargement effect is pretty modest – it's definitely there but, honestly, I don't pay a lot of attention to it. It's not necessarily a bad thing though, unless you prefer super huge dolly eyes of course. Personally I tend to gravitate toward medium size lenses so yeah, these are really good in my book!

Lens photos below!
All photos taken by me during a August afternoon with a semi-clear sky. All close-up photos are free from color filters and such and that's so that the colors would be as true to real life as possible.

Apartment room light, only natural light.
Bathroom light.
Flash photo.
Facing a window in the corridor. (not sun side)
Yellow light in the staircase.
Indoors storage room. Natural light from the side.
Basement floor. Poor natural light in the distance.
Outdoors, facing the sun while being under the building's shadow.
Outdoors, back against sun. Facing the wall, in other words.
Facing the sun, cloudy sky.
Facing the sun.
In terms of comfort I must mention that these lenses are really thin and I don't feel them in my eyes most of the time. I had no problems inserting them either and they are comfortable right from the start! I had a couple moments when the lenses suddenly felt a bit dry but those passed by almost as soon as they came, so dunno. That tends to happen to me with almost any pair of circle lenses, by the way. Overall I could wear these for a bit over 4 hours before they started to feel uncomfortably dry, which is pretty good in my book – especially considering that my eyes are prone to being really dry and/or sensitive. I also managed to wear these for approximately 5 or so hours (I didn't keep track of time, sorry) at an anime convention before they started to feel really dry so yeah, I'd say that they're pretty decent. :)

Distance photo!

Want to see reviews of the GEO Xtra Forest series in other colors?
Check out these: Pink

Regarding CircleLensesEurope I need to mention that, sadly, they and their Swedish counterpart don't carry prescription lenses for the moment. I don't know if they plan to change that anytime soon since a lot of people have vision defects, me included, and need prescription lenses to see. My own vision defects are minor enough (-0,50 on my weaker eye) that I can get around just fine with plano lenses but yeah, if you can't wear lenses without power I'm really sorry to say that CircleLensesEurope don't carry lenses with power.

Remember, if you make a purchase at CircleLensesEurope or Cirkellinser you can get 10% off any order if you use the discount code "SAMURAI" during checkout – enjoy! ♡

Short summary:

Color: 8/10
A really rich, deep and intense medium-dark red color!
Design: 7/10
Simple yet eye-catching design with irregular black stripes mixed in with the red.
Opacity: 8/10
Really good opacity!
Enlargement: 6/10
Decent size increase. It's not overwhelming but it's there.
Comfort: 7/10
Thin and comfortable in general but I do experience random dry bouts on and off. Approximate wearing time around 4-5 hours on my naturally dry eyes.
Naturalness: 1/10
Not natural because, honestly, do you know anyone who was born with red eyes? I thought so, me neither.

• Sammanfattning på svenska

Vad är cirkellinser? 

Cirkellinser är kosmetiska linser som har tagit världen med storm! Till en början användes dessa färgglada och förstorande linser främst i Asien av idoler, modeller och liknande men har, på sistone, blivit alltmer populära även i västvärlden – särskilt bland ungdomar som har ett intresse för asiatisk populärkultur. Det som skiljer cirkellinser från vanliga färgade linser är att dom kommer i otroligt många olika designs och färger (även onaturliga färger så som röd, rosa, gul och lila är vanliga) samt att dom får dina ögon att se större och vackrare ut! Cirkellinser finns att köpa både med och utan styrka. Det är flest unga kvinnor som använder cirkellinser men även män, transpersoner, ickebinära och många fler har insett hur uppfriskande och kul det kan vara att byta ögonfärg lite nu och då för att få en helt nu känsla till din look!


Cirkellinser är en svensk online-affär –förmodligen den första och enda i vårt avlånga land som säljer äkta "circle lenses", numera även kallade cirkellinser på svenska. Tyvärr så säljer inte Cirkellinser linser med styrka i dagens läge.

Denna gång valde jag att recensera ett linspar som heter GEO Xtra Forest Red (bilder finns ovanför!) då dem verkade extremt fräna med den rödsvarta designen och jag var bara tvungen att testa dem! Linserna anlände inom nån enstaka arbetsdag i ett vadderat kuvert. I kuvertet fanns även ett snyggt visitkort med en handskriven hälsning på baksidan, ett gratis linsetui samt linserna själv som var förpackade i en söt liten snörpåse.

Linserna är helt klart grymma, har färgtäckning så det heter duga och är i överlag schyssta att bära. Färgen är en otroligt fin och djup mellanmörk röd färg som syns på avstånd och jag kan inte annat än att tipsa om dessa för alla er andra som också håller på med cosplay – väldigt snygg och bra färg!

Dessa linser har helt okej bekvämlighet. Det tål att nämnas att jag kan ha riktigt jävla torra ögon ibland (okej, ganska ofta) och ändå kan jag bära dessa i ungefär 4-5 timmar utan ögondroppar, vilket är respektabelt i mina mått mätt. Dessa linser är lätta att få in i ögonen och jag känner inte av dom, förutom att de lite nu och då gör random "uttorkningskänslor" som varar i några enstaka minuter och sen försvinner lika fort som de kom – fast till linsernas försvar så kan jag säga att i princip alla kontaktlinser gör denna effekt för mig. Så jah, helt klart godkända i min bok.

Linserna fick jag såklart från Cirkellinser, en av mina sponsorer, i recensionssyfte. ^_^ Men fast jag inte själv betalat för just detta par så påverkar det absolut inte min ärlighet! Jag kan med handen på hjärtat säga att Cirkellinser är en professionell och pålitlig hemsida och att jag, utan att tveka, skulle lätt beställa från dom själv även om jag inte var sponsrad. De säljer endast äkta cirkellinser som är tillverkade i Korea, ursprungslandet för dom alla flesta märkena.
Cirkellinser innehar även en äkthetsgaranti samt öppet köp i 30 dagar – de gör verkligen allt för att du ska känna dig trygg och nöjd med ditt köp. Beställningar som gjorts före klockan 14:00 skickas samma vardag och frakttiden inom Sverige ligger på 1-2 dagar och kostar endast 19 kr. Jag kan varmt rekommendera deras onlinebutik till alla som är intresserade av att prova på att använda färgade kontaktlinser!

Min rabattkod "SAMURAI" ger dig dessutom 10% rabattdin beställning hos dem, glöm inte att använda koden i kassan!

Thanks for reading!
A massive thank you to CircleLensesEurope and Cirkellinser for making this review possible!

~ Shiro Samurai out.

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