April 28, 2013


I've now bought a con ticket to Animecon!! ~

Honestly, I had no plans at first to go to Animecon in Kuopio this year because my con plans looked like this for July already:

5-7 July • Skecon 2013
25-28 July • Närcon 2013

Skecon first week and Närcon last week of July. I thought that would be enough of cons for that month.. until mom mentioned she had a big interest to go revisit Rauhalahti Spa Hotel in Kuopio this year too and well, last year we were in that hotel at the same time that Animecon was. Okay, my brain quickly put things together aaaaand..

le mom + Kuopio spa hotel + (free) car ride = ANIMECON HERE I COME

Okay, so now my July con summer plans look like this:

5-7 July • Skecon 2013
~ 13-15 July • Animecon 2013 ~
[19-21 July • con-free weekend]
25-28 July • Närcon 2013

What to say? July is now almost filled with cons for me.. and money is sure to burn but...


  1. Apua kaikki nuo conit peräkkäin... :¨DD Respectiä paljon, kun jaksat matkustaa Ruotsi-Suomi-Ruotsi-Suomi välillä koko Heinäkuun. (☞゚∀゚)☞

  2. Vooi vitsit! Kumpa itekkin pääsisin coneilemaan kesän aikana noin paljon :O
    Mut määki lähettelen respectiä täältä sinne kun jaksat noin paljon matkustaa (Y)

  3. asdfghlk~ 8'DD You're coming too? Great!! Can't wait for July! >w<

  4. Awesome x)
    I wonder if you planned something else than cons this summer ~

  5. More cons yay =D Free ride is always nice =D

  6. Whoa, it’s gonna be con Heaven for you in July! Pretty awesome. =D (since one can never have enough cons lololo~)


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