November 11, 2018

Lens review: Fynale Classic Circle Red

Hello folks!

I'll have to continue with the lens reviews as I still have a massive backlog to catch up on, rip me. x) Today it's the Fynale Classic Circle Red which I actually bought ages ago with the main intent to use them for cosplaying the rasetsu from Hakuouki. Sadly I didn't get around to it before the lenses got too close to their expiry date so now I'll just have to be content with simply reviewing them.

Let's go! 

Base curve: 8.6 mm
Diameter: 14.5 mm
Water content: 55% 
Life span: 1 year (I recommend 6 months)

One interesting thing to note is that on the vials it says that Vassen is the manufacturer and Fynale the distributor. I've never seen these lenses go under the Vassen label but as I.Fairy is also commonly made by Vassen and I.Fairy sports similar lens designs as these then it's highly possible that Fynale is another one of the many brands that fall under Vassen.

I remember getting these because of their screaming red color and the design, which because of a lack of a limbal ring looked a bit creepy – perfect for rasetsu and other demons and monsters. Most lenses with a similar design don't have as much color as these do, especially when you take the size into account. The red color is also very intense and that's what I was looking for.

One lens in.
Yikes! These are totally huge and the red is insanely bright and over-the-top. It's so vibrant that I feel like it would glow in the dark or something, it's batshit crazy! The color is mostly flat and unnatural looking, which is kinda the point if you ask me. There are some small efforts at blending (streaks and transparency closer to the center) but because of the extreme shade it doesn't do much at all – the color will clash no matter what, mainly because it's fucking red and like the most wild red you can think of. xD  
These are definitely what I hoped they would be, such a shame I didn't get around to using them for cosplay in time. :'(

The size increase is big, it actually says on the vials that the effect is 16-18 mm (it says diameter and effect separately) and whether that's true or not I can't say but I do know that these are positively huge. Even without a limbal ring, which normally adds the illusion of bigger eyes, these look massive.

Lens photos below!
All photos taken by me during an afternoon with a clear sky. There's no color filters or such on the close-up photos and that's so that the colors would be as true to real life as possible.

Natural room light indoors.
Yellow room light indoors.
Bathroom light.
Unlit corridor.
Flash photo.
Facing window. (shadow side, weirdly blue for some reason)
Outdoors, back against sun. (facing wall)
Outdoors, facing the sun while being under a shadow.
Outdoors, facing sun.
This is one of the boldest red lenses currently in the market I think, if we don't count specific crazy lenses and just normal circle lenses. My real eye color is still very visible in the center but because the red is so intense that's what you'll notice first, especially from a distance. Circle lenses, big ones in particular, commonly suffer from the "no color near the pupil" look anyway so it's nothing unheard of – it's just that it's much more noticeable on light eyes than on dark eyes.

I can't grade comfort so I'll just base my grade on first impressions while I took the photos. These had expired by the time I got around to do this review so it would be unfair to the lenses to grade them and potentially dangerous for me to wear them longer than necessary to take the photos. ^^" But from what I can tell they seemed fine and there was no random stinging or such crap. I think there were moments when I saw red corners in my vision in poorer lights, which is normal. I believe they would be comfortable enough to wear for at least the average time (2-4 hours for me, really dry eyes).

All in all this is a circle lens with the intensity and boldness of a crazy lens. I'd mainly get these for the demonic characters and those that are supposed to look really unnatural or possessed! Also, why not use them for creepy cute fashion, goth and such? It's a really funky lens either way and sure to grab attention... and most likely scare that neighbor grandma.

Distance photos!

Short summary:

Color: 10/10
Insane bright red lenses that show up no matter what? Check.

Design: 9/10
It gives the look I was hoping for so I'm happy. It's simple but has a great impact.
Opacity: 9/10 

The colored areas are really opaque, shame the color is not printed even closer to the center.
Enlargement: 9/10
These don't shy with the size.

Comfort: 6/10 
Estimated to be average to good. Red corners in my vision in poorer lights if I move my eyes fast (common for opaque lenses). Otherwise no notable discomforts on my short time taking the photos.
Naturalness: 0/10

Hell to the no.

Thanks for reading my blog!

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