February 1, 2013

Battousai wig styling + preview!

I got my wig for Battousai yesterday and today I decided cut it. It was originally sold for another character but the color was perfect for Battousai in my eyes and it also had a short clip-on ponytail, double yay!

The wig looked like this before my scissors attacked it:

le wig in its original glory
I cut off this much hohoh
I can't say I'm all that pleased with the wig, it's decent but could have been better.. I'm still really new to wig cutting and I hesitate a lot and doubt myself, hah. Oh well, maybe I can fix it a bit better when I have more proper hair/wig cutting equipment. Oh well. With the wig cut I decided to do a cosplay preview. The sun was about to set, but it wasn't dark yet outside, so I put everything on as quick as I could manage (while still looking decent) and went out in the snow. I must say.. wearing geta in snow was... interesting...

Cosplayer: Valkoinen Samurai
Photographer: Jäätynyt Enkeli 

And those were pretty much the only decent ones.. OTL I will try to get better pictures after/during Närcon Vinter.

I find it a bit funny how when I earlier tried to be does-not-kill Kenshin I ended up looked super serious on photos and when I now cosplay Battousai I looked like I'd hug a squirrel before killing anything on most photos. Not sure if going the right way... x'D


  1. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! IHANA IHANA IHANA KENSHIN OLET! Voi että! tuituitui! *fanityttökohtaus* <3<3<3<3

    1. En ole khyl ihan noin ihana mutta kiitos! XD <3

    2. NO KYLLÄ OLET! :OOOO <3<3<3<3

  2. Näyttää todella upealta! Tuo peruukki on niin nam noissa kuvissa <3

    1. Kiitos! Itse olen peruukin suhteen vähän "not sure if gusta". :'D En ole mikään hyvä leikkamaan moisia vielä. XD

  3. sjl;fkjsldjal;fdj Ahh, it's so awesome to finally see you as Battousai ~ <3 Even if you look slightly less deadly here in these shots, I bet you will look ultra deadly at the con! XD That wig really is the perfect color and style for Battousai, and you did great on the costume itself. You look very stunning and commanding! 8D

    1. Thank you dhsfdajshj;dgj 8D
      I will try to get better (read: more srs bsnss) photos next time.. now I was just too excited to be in-character. xD

  4. Heh, this looks good to me! :D
    And this pic before the last is really cool, love it ^_^ <3
    (hug a squirrel? XD)

    1. Thank you!
      (yeah, I dunno where that came from though.. xD)

  5. it is always hard to cut a wig D= Or I think so, but is is fun to cut a wig you learn and get better with time. Also it look really good.
    I Almost want to steal everything from you XD <3

    1. It sure is. I'm always scared I will screw it up.. because wig hair doesn't grow back lol.

      Thank you. ^_^

  6. asdfghjklöä~<3 Such a great Battousai!! *Q*

    On the basis of pictures that wig looks great! ^w^ Cutting a wig sure is hard~

    ...Battousai hugging squirrels?? xD

    1. Thank yooou!

      It isn't easy yeah. xD I hope I can learn to cut wigs better soon ~

      Yeah.. or something. XD

  7. Vaikka sarjasta/hahmosta en juuri mitään tiedäkään, täytyy sanoa että tuo cossi sopii sulle todella hyvin! Upeita kuvia! (:

    1. Kiitoksia!
      Rurouni Kenshiniin kannattaa tutustua, klassikkosarja!

  8. So excited for Närcon Vinter! 8D


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