August 26, 2012

Second wig styling attempt

I repaired my brown vintage hakama again earlier today because I will need them for my Kondou cosplay to Tracon. I also decided to cut and style my wig for Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi's Saitou.

I forgot to take a picture before I started but you can see the untouched wig on my earlier blog post.
Oh, and all wig styling photos are taken with flash because otherwise it would have been hard to see anything... the wig is not shiny at all IRL.

After I had trimmed the bangs. Back of wig still untouched..
Back trimmed too..
Front after spiking
Side after spiking
Back after spiking
And we all know that when you have styled a wig on a mini-sized head substitute you just have to try it on your own head too. Because you need to see how much you just failed!! :'D
I used no make-up except that I made my eyebrows darker (looks so derp to have light brows and dark hair..). I just put a random Thai silk robe on because it's better than a t-shirt. lol

Back... something. trololol.
I must say I was nervous at first before cutting, it was the second time I ever cut a wig.. but I must say it turned out quite bueno. It's not half-bad but there's still room for improvement. Oh well, no one is born professional at anything, practice makes perfect. It could have been a catastrophe. lol


  1. Hohoo~ It looks perfect C: Great job! ^-^

  2. It looks nice~
    Wig-styling is always like that. Just trying how it'll go and hoping the wig won't be ruined. xD

    1. Thanks and you're right! I'm always hesitating before cutting a wig because.. well, if you fuck it up the hair won't grow back like real hair does. lol And I'm also always worried that I will place the wig wrongly on the wig stand, so that it's off-center, and when you've been cutting for a while you notice that one side of the wig is waaay shorter/longer than the other and.. yeah. OTL

    2. I always end up wearing the wig while cutting it, even though I have a wig-head. I'm just afraid I'll cut it too short since the wig-head is smaller than my actual head.
      Wigs are such a bother sometimes, but they're also one of the most important parts of any cosplay.

    3. I've thought about wearing the wig on my head while cutting for the same reason.. heck, I even think I tried once but it felt so weird to hold the scissors in front of your face and try to cut anything -that- close to your eyes. lol So I quickly gave up. derp

      I want a wig head for wig cutting over a wig stand... you can't pin wigs to a wig stand (aka the wig keeps sliding unless you're super mega careful when cutting/moving it), it's even smaller than a wig head and if you even use the tiniest bit of too much force the whole thing will fall. ._. Oh, and it's a bit... err, unstable.
      Good thing with wig stands are that you can take them apart so they're good to take with you to con hotels if you for some reason can't have the wig in a plastic bag during the con weekend.

      Oh, and wigs sure are important!

  3. Woah... That looks so great! I can't believe that's only your second time cutting a wig. 8D And I can't wait to see BRS Saitou at the con~

    1. It didn't look that great before I spiked it. XD But I think it's not half-bad at least, ahaha. No one is born epic pro olololo.

      Cool to hear someone is looking forward to it! 8D It's so obscure...

  4. peruukkien muokkaus </3 hienoa et joku osaa XD

    1. TROLOLOLOL en osaa! XD Tä oli silkkaa "let's try and hope it doesn't totally fuck up :'DDDD" testaamista. Ja en mä tota takapuolta (ai perse? *kröHÖM* No ei) ole tolleen kerroksittain leikkanut, se oli niin. Alhaalta vaan saksin vähän durrhurr ~

  5. Oih, hyvältä näyttää!
    Peruukkien leikkaus on riskipeliä. Aina pelko perseessä, et leikkaa liikaa ja pilaa peruukin >8D

    1. Kiitosh!
      Se kyl on, ja pelko on aina perseessä.. ja vähän muualla myös. XDDD

  6. Mistä oot hankkinu tuollaisen "peruukkipään" tai miksi sitä nyt voikaan sanoa?

    1. eBaystä. Googlaa "wig stand" niin pitäis löytyä; ne ei paljoa maksa mutta uskoisin styrox peruukkipään olevan parempi stylaukseen. Wig standi on siitä kätevä ku sen saa helposti kasaan ja se ei vie tilaa juuri ollenkaan silloin ku se ei ole käytössä.


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