August 20, 2012

Forest fungus, Super Mario and sushi - Oulun Animeseminaari 2012

Yesterday night I got back home from Oulu, where I spent last weekend attending Oulu's anime seminar event. It was a rather small event (or well, the building it was held in was rather not-so-roomy) and had the same feeling to it like Kemi's comic days have, namely that chill and relaxed hang-around-with-your-friends feel.

Only photo I have of my company during the con, derp too. Taken by my aunt.
• Chizuru (Sairu-chan), hakama!Saitou (me) and prison!Rukia (Jäätynyt Enkeli)
I cosplayed the casual/plain clothes version of Saitou (aka hakama edition) both days, it was comfortable to wear and derp around in; I'm happy I didn't take a more complicated cosplay with me, there was rather few cosplayers (and photographers) running around so it would have felt pretty 'meh' to spend a long time getting ready when it felt like most people were there just to hang out rather than to put on their most flashy cosplays and take photos of others. Luckily I had my new friends to hang around with all day so it was a certainly positive experience.. even though Saturday was so fucking hot (big glass windows + sun = everyone is boiling inside) I would have died had I not taken with me my cheap-ass fan from Thailand. Phew. Luckily Sunday was better, not too hot but not too cold either.

So, eh, what more to say? I don't know.. I had a fun time. Vinkee fiilis tulee metsäsienistä ~~
On Saturday me, Jäätynyt Enkeli and Sairu-chan went to troll around the city in cosplay, mostly to try and find a restaurant and a food store. We obviously got some stares, along with comments mainly I overheard after we had passed by, like "Oh, Japanese..?" and a father seemingly telling his children "Some kind of samurai gang". We all three were wearing kimono outfits, me being the only one with autenthic vintage pieces though. *points at photo up there*
When we got to the sushi bar at the top floor of Stockmann the one Japanese chef/bar holder/whatever well, when we stood outside and looked at the menu he came outside the sushi bar and spotted us. Later inside it felt like he looked at us pretty.. I don't know. XD His expression didn't really change but he looked at us every now and then. lol Not everyday random gaijin walk in dressed like that..

Hmmm.. I don't have so much more to say. I derped a lot with my new friends and I mostly just hung around with them all day. There wasn't really that much to do at the event so I can imagine that if you didn't have any friends with you you might have gotten bored pretty fast. *shrugs*
Oh well, I had a great time nonetheless and will be going again if this event will be held again; an anime event that close to me (yes, 100 km is close..) with free entrance is awesome, be it small or not!
Also it was a blast sleeping over at my aunt's place well, I have many aunts butbut. She is generally awesome and she even had a Nintendo Wii so me and my twin played some New Super Mario Bros. Wii there. So much fun because neither of us two had played it before... so we failed a lot and did lots of derp mistakes. xD Even though we are gamers olololo ~

That's it, a second hakama!Saitou photoshoot [feat. Oulu] will be posted soon!


  1. hienoa että oli hauskaa Huolimatta siitä että se oli pieni tapahtuma!

  2. Looking forward to se some pics!

  3. is this the real Sairu?
    she don't look like the real Sairu...
    You are aware that Sairu is a unique name of a girl that even bought a copyright license on it to avoid others using it without permission? ... maybe better ask her first :

    Anyways, keep up the cosplay!

    1. No it's not the "real" Sairu. Truth is, I have no clue who that Sairu you talk about is and I believe it's a mere coincidence that my friend decided to use "Sairu-chan" as her blog name, she means no harm. It's not her real name, she probably uses it because she likes how it sounds and it's not a far stretch from her real name.


    2. What Valkoinen Samurai says, I mean no harm. And no, I have no clue either who is this Sairu o -o. I'm using this name, because my childhood friend used to call me Sairu (she's still calling me that actually). I asked her if she knew who is Sairu... She didn't know.. Hope everything's fine and everyone understands~


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