June 29, 2014

kimono!Gakupo preview – The serious part (1/2)

Eiyoou guys!

So the night between 28 and 29th June neither me nor Hasakitsuki were tired so we decided to be vampires go and preview photoshoot my original kimono!Gakupo cosplay for Skecon outside. Yeah, it's the Gakupo preview I promised earlier in the cosplay plans post
So uhh, it was 3 in the night/morning and I was in cosplay outside our apartment having a shoot and the sun was up and shining everything's perfectly normal! :D Ah, midnight sun is so handy; I wasn't even tired! Or just a little, towards the end of the shoot, maybe.
As far as the outfit is concerned it's all authentic pieces from Japan, mostly vintage. Earlier when I first came up with the idea to do a kimono!Gakupo design I pretty much instantly knew what kimono coordination to wear. Oh, and because Gakupo is quite fabulous I wanted to spice it up a bit and of course a violet kimono was a must to get a less bland/generic coordination, which is typical for male kitsuke.

Cosplayer: Valkoinen Samurai (Gakupo Kamui)
Photographer: Hasakitsuki
Photo editor: Valkoinen Samurai

This is a bit random but here's what the wig looked like before I had spiked the bangs. Hasakitsuki braided the long front pieces because I'm a derp and can't braid. Actually on the photoshoot pictures I'm pinning some of the bangs to the sides because otherwise this wig is quite the hair curtain.

le wig.
Oh, and about the shoot itself; it was a fun shoot even though it was surpsisingly cold. We were shooting for approximately one hour and well, at some point the I'm-tired-but-not-really-tired-so-I-will-just-do-stupid-faces-instead mood activated for me and... uh... you better go hide under your couch because this post will have a follow-up containing all this extra material! >8D Yeah, we actually got a ridiculous amount of not-so-representative pictures so instead of having a few bonus pics at the end I have gathered enough material for a whole Gakupo derp compilation post. *whisper* Stay alive, it shall arrive sooooooon...

You thought I'd let you go now? Hahaha noep!
Here's a teaser just so you'll get some foretaste of what is to come so that you can prepare accordingly. Or not.

Derpy arm dance!
Hueheuheuehue ~
Valkoinen Samurai heads off to prepare for making a fool out of himself...


  1. Why you so awsum?! I don't wanna do anything anymore. D:

  2. That gif. THAT GIF! I was so close to peeing my pants in laughter when you did that, really. XD
    You look very good as Gakupo! I think the character fits you, and when you tilt your face a certain way you actually look like him. It's awesome. :')
    NOW DANCE. >D (Into the hoppborg, dancing samurai!!)

    1. Just you wait until you see what is to come... >D
      Thanks ahkjds;dhjk! ;A;
      Only bad thing is that I can't dance to save my life lol. I have no rhythm understanding as far as dancing is concerned; I have wood legs. xD HOPPBOOOOORG!!!!

  3. DERPY ARM DANCE, i can't take it anymore XDDXDXDD but awesome pictures i gotta say, and i really hope we will see again soon!:) The second pic is my most favorite, and the other one where you hold your hand close to your mouth! Keep up the good work:D


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