June 4, 2013

I'm going to live in a tent, Närcon style!

Wuhuu! I now have train tickets fixed for Närcon! I will be traveling with Jäätynyt Enkeli and Sairu-chan across more or less the whole Sweden. :'D

Oh, and also a few days ago I was checking hotels for the Närcon days and noticed to my horror most hotels seemed to be sold out. Then I started thinking maybe it could be pretty cool to try Närcon's (so far exclusive) camping option, especially when it seemed Sairu-chan had a tent we could use! You know, the reason I'm interested to try the camping out is because last year the Banana peeps did it and it just seemed pretty dang awesome! Camping option means you bring a tent and buy a camping ticket for 50 SEK which lasts the whole duration of the event. Said camping ticket then gives you a 3x4 meter space in the camping area for you to put up your tent and sleep there. Of course toilets and shower are available in the camping area somewhere. This is ultra cheap because with just one camping ticket you can have as many people as you can fit into the tent sleep there and that means you can share that petty 50 SEK between all the tent sleepers.

My wallet cries tears of joy because the traveling already costs me a pretty penny. It's pretty funny how the camping option is cheaper than the ordinary let's-sleep-in-a-school-or-something con budget sleeping option, which costs 150 SEK by the way. Camping feels more like my thing anyway; I'd rather sleep with a few people I know in a tent instead of sleeping crammed in a classroom filled with (mostly) strangers.. okay, in a small con I don't mind but in a big con such as Närcon, just no.
Oh well, I'm so looking forward to this new con-sleeping experience!

See ya!


  1. Oh you would probely not get me to sleep in a tent so good luck and have fun XD
    But I do understand the hotell price but did not närcon have some hotel at special pice like?
    Oh well it will be fun too read about you camping later on =)

    1. Last year I didn't think camping was a thing for me either but.. we'll see now. xD

      Hmm I think they had some some special prices but well.. still expensive for me right now.

      Yeah, I will certainly write about the experience later!

  2. oppan teltta style op-op-op-op! Kuulostaa hyvältä ja siinähän se jaime lannister komeilee sun giffissä;)

  3. How interesting camping at a con. xD Sure beats the expensive hotel price. Sleep well in the tent!


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