June 11, 2012

I got stuff for Hijikata!

I went to town around 12:00 clock something, I think, with Ari. Oh my god I was so tired but I wanted to go and get the town visit over and done with...
I went and picked up two packages from the post office and bought some white thin fabric so I can make a shinsengumi headband for coming Hakuouki cosplays. From the post office I picked up yet another vintage kimono (yay!), which, despite looking dark purple on the site it was this weird blue-gray-black with a purple-ish tint. Interesting. The lining is very dark black-purple too... but the whole thing seems to photograph purple anyway. xD I'll use it for Hijikata for now because I don't feel like sewing a kimono in stress again in one day not to mention mom is sick of me making kimonos lol. Tomorrow I need to do some finishing touches on my Hijikata cosplay and pack my suitcase, that's enough to do. *yawns*

I took some WIP photos of Hijikata so far. Excuse mirror photos again..

What's left to do is the headband and add haori himo ties to the haori. The swords are at Jäätynyt Enkeli's place already. The hakama and shinsengumi haori are commissioned by my friend Hasakitsuki's mom. Thank you so much. <3 I could never have made it myself in time for Uppcon because I was busy finishing Desucon cosplays and blah blah. So this cosplay is mostly commissioned and/or bought.

It seems my Uppcon cosplay plans will change too, I'll make a blog post about that later. Gin Ichimaru and Toshizo Hijikata are set though. It seems I'll change Ichito for Hajime Saitou but I'm not sure yet. I can't take Ukitake because the swords got damaged from the Desucon trip.. the golden paint rubbed against and transferred on the black parts of the blade. I need to repaint it and fix one of those ribbon holder square things because it broke already last year at Närcon by accident but so far it's been held together by Jesus tape.. but now it's giving in. Need to make a new one.

Bye bye!


  1. YEY Hijikata! Mun tekis mieli tehä itelleni tollainen Shinsengumi Haori vaan sen takia et voisin sit posettaa sen kanssa XD Ota sit paljon kuvia siel Uppconissa! ja pidä hauskaa!

  2. Tee, shinsengumi haorit ovat parhaita! <3
    Joo mä otan kuvia! :'D

  3. Wo ho I should not write right now but still. Yay for good plans and fun plans and plans XD I Do need to take my camera with me and take some photos of you and all the other on Uppcon =D

  4. Ååååh nice! Ska bli rätt coolt att se dig som Hijikata asdfgjkl! <3

    Sorry om det med svärden. Va det Ukitake shikai versionen? D: hoppas det fixar sig!


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