March 13, 2022

Lens review: I-Codi Colors of the Wind Lime

Let's continue with a new circle lens review today, I will show you all the I-Codi Colors of the Wind Lime lenses so let's do this~

Base curve: 8.6 mm
Diameter: 15.0 mm
Water content: 38%
Life span: 1 year (I recommend 6 months)

Can we like take a moment to talk about how gorgeous these are? It's a very feisty green with a lovely yellow inner circle and already in the vials you can see how the color really pops! They look so fresh and full of life! I know I'm rambling but like seriously, I love green lenses but it's always a hit-or-miss with greens as sometimes they just look like shit and especially if you have gray-blue eyes like I do.

One lens in.

Fuck yeah, The color payout delivers! This is a medium darkish green and somewhat true to its name if you think of the lime peel and not the color of the fruit flesh lol. These blend surprisingly nicely with my real eye color although I assume I can attribute some of that success to that little golden ring I have closest to the pupil that, in turn, helps the yellow parts of the lens merge more seamlessly into my eyes.
The design is semi-realistic, like on the other Colors of the Wind lenses. There's a sizeable enlargement effect but due to the lack of a thick black limbal ring it doesn't provide the typical dolly eye look that more conventionally styled circle lenses tend to do. Sometimes a slight 'halo effect' appears but it's not so pronounced due to the darker pigmentation of the lens.

Lens photos below!
All photos taken by yours truly during a March afternoon with a mostly clear sky. There's no color filters or such on the close-up photos and that's so that the colors would be as true to real life as possible.
Natural room light indoors.

Bathroom light.

Flash photo.

Unlit corridor, weak distant natural light only.

Facing a window indoors, not sun side.

Outdoors, back against the sun. (facing wall)

Outdoors, facing the sun while standing under a shadow.

Outdoors, facing the sun directly.

Same show here as on previous reviews I can't grade comfort properly for these as they had expired (in their unopened vials) by the time I refound them. The story goes that I had purchased a bunch of circle lenses years ago that I had then put away in a box and forgotten about.. for way too long. So what I'm doing since I found them again is these quick reviews; I'd rather help the community at least instead of just throwing it all away. Please don't wear expired lenses though! I'm only wearing these long enough to get all the necessary review photos taken (which takes approx. 10-20 minutes) and then I immediately discard them. Into the bin. Gone.
But what little I can say of the comfort for these is that they felt thin and overall comfortable. They were basically invisible to wear, although the left lens was slightly itchy upon insertion although that leveled out rather quick. Could possibly wear them for 3-5 hours if they had been fresh, which is pretty good considering my eyes are naturally dry as all hell. :D

All in all this is a solid green lens, great if you want color and size but without looking like a moe moe doll. The print of the lens mimics a real iris, to some degree, so these look moderately realistic too. I could see these being used for cosplay and costuming as well, assuming you want a somewhat toned down look but without sacrificing too much color vibrancy. They look green in pretty much all light conditions I tried so the color coverage definitely holds up. I would recommend these personally if the color and style is close to what you're looking for.
Distance photo below!

Short summary:

Color: 7/10
A medium to dark, powerful green with a yellow inner circle. Fresh and impactful.

Design: 8/10
Mimics a real iris yet keeps a magical touch. Small black rim frames your eyes.
Opacity: 7/10 
Great coverage for being a green lens, doesn't turn muddy on blue-based eyes!
Enlargement: 4/10
There's a moderate size enlargement but it's not particularly dolly.
Comfort: 7/10 
Feels thin and comfy, invisible to wear. Possibly 3-5 hours of wear on super dry eyes.
Naturalness: 6/10
Too big in my opinion to pass as natural but otherwise semi-realistic. Kinda.

Eey thankies for reading my blog~
Shiro Samurai out.

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