August 20, 2014

Board the ship! – DesuCruise 2014 plans!

Hello 'ello evryån!

Nerdcon is past and my convention roll is still going strong! x) Con lag is starting to hit me too...
About one month ago me and Hasakitsuki came up with the idea to go to DesuCruise! 

DesuCruise, what's that you ask?
DesuCruise is held on 21-23 August, on board M/S Silja Symphony this year.
The cruise route is Helsinki (Finland) - Stockholm (Sweden) - Helsinki (Finland).
It's basically an ordinary cruise trip with some con programs mixed in!

One of our secret reasons why we are going to DesuCruise is to make up for having missed out on Närcon this year even though I've heard from others who visited that it was a disappointment. But still, I've been to summer!Närcon every year since 2011 so it still stung a little. Just a little. :'(
But hey, I'm so stoked about DesuCruise it's not even funny! x) You see, all my life I've been of the opinion that cruising ships (Silja Line, hehe) are one of the best things ever and I friggin' love being in one; I get all giddy and can't even sleep the following night just thinking about it, that's how badly I love cruising ships. xD There has now been several years since the last time I was on a cruise and well, at least for the past half a year or something I've had a horrible urge to step into a cruising ship again and now it's finally time to return to the sea! I'm a fish and I need my water goddamnit.
   On 22nd July I was randomly doing my daily internet round and ended up in Desucon's DesuCruise page where it was mentioned that the Cruise this year would, seemingly, be the last one in history and then it hit me that "OH SNAP LET'S GO ON THIS ONE OR I'M GONNA REGRET NOT DOING IT FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE." Khrmm. I mean, how could I not want to attend the last DesuCruise which would also be my first and thus only one when it combines two of the best things I know?? <3
The day after (23rd July) I brainwashed Hasakitsuki into joining me on my epic trip to a different con experience and so we bought our train tickets to Helsinki and back as well as a cheapo cabin for two from Silja Line's site directly because we don't have enough people to fill a four person cabin, which is the only option if you buy your cabin through DesuCruise's shop. I bought the DesuCruise "program only" ticket afterwards from Desucon's online shop though; I'm curious about the panels they will hold there, seems like buttloads of fun! :-DD Hnng can't wait! *flappy hands*

Of course because it's still a Desu(con) event we will wear something on our bodies that sends out con vibes to the folks!
But this time it will be no obviously costume-y cosplay, for a few reasons I'd rather be able to easily and comfortably move around as well as not having to constantly worry that my costume looks okay and doesn't break on me etc. Also, a good majority of the people on the ship won't be con peeps so they will have no clue what's going on and I have a scratching in my butt that few of the DesuCruise attendants would bother to put on more elaborate cosplays.

So yeah, my plans. Now!

The first day I'll wear a fabulous buttoned shirt, black jeans with chains and maybe Visual Kei-ish hairstyle and makeup if I can be bothered with the latter, that is.
For the second day I decided with Hasakitsuki to have a more casual looking cosplay and that is...

SSL!Souji Okita (summer uniform) from Hakuouki!
Sure that I'll wear cosplay makeup on my face and have big green eyes but otherwise the outfit itself could pass for everyday wear so I shouldn't stick out like a sore thumb! :-DD Not like it bothers me to be the odd one out but I'd rather not wear something super obviously a costume at this kind of event.

Psst, I'll let you in on a secret! Originally we had planned to do new pair cosplays for DesuCruise but we ended up not having enough time (aka too much stress) so we had to abandon the idea. ;_; Lack of time sucks because our idea would have been so fitting! </3 Oh well, don't worry! Said cosplays will just be postponed to another future convention instead ~

That's all, now to head towards Helsinki by train on Wednesday night! Oh oops, that's today...

1 comment:

  1. Laivalla olo on ihan parasta! Monee vuotee en oo päässy kunnolla risteilylle (Tallinnaa ei lasketa koska se on se 1½ tuntii matkaa l'D) >:
    Ja teretulemast vua tänne helsinkiiki!

    Empäs ookkaa ikinä Cruisella ollu. Vähän kans kuumotteli lähtee ku kuulin et tää ois vika yksilö, mut sit kukaa kaveri ei oikee innostunu (lue: niillä ei ollu rahaa). Tosin oon aina mieltäny Cruisen semmoseks känniconiks sen perusteella mitä kavereilta kuulin ekasta cruisesta ni ei oo hirveesti ollu kiinnostusta lähtee :'D


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