November 25, 2012

Masamune Date - upper half coat patterns

Hi guys!

I drew and cut out the patterns for Masamune's coat today, the upper half of it. Mom has been inspired to sew clothes for herself the last few weeks (she's a former fabric store owner and sewer after all~) and now she had been planning to make some kind of vest-like garment and after she had cut out her patterns I went and looked at it and thought "hey this could maybe work for Masamune if I modify it a bit!" - BOOM, said and done!

Good reference for the coat's upper half
So I first took mom's back piece pattern, went to get the pattern paper roll and pinned it in place. After some thinking and staring at references I figured that it's mostly the shoulder part that will need modifying on the back piece. So I curved the shoulder upwards and then cut it out.

Modifying shoulders
Back piece pattern cut out
Then I took the newly cut out back pattern, pinned it in place and drew out the front pattern with the same shoulders and width and stuff. I just modified the front to have a curved V-shape in the middle.

After I had drawn out the lines and was about to cut out the front piece
Front piece pattern cut out
I will need to use interfacing fabric to get the shoulders to stay up like that as well as the collar.. which I haven't made the pattern for yet. I tried the patterns on and it seems like they will work quite well. I lucked out on the measurements too because that lower half's pattern (aka spiky buttcape) is 100 cm wide from tip to tip and this coat pattern was by default 25 cm wide on the front and the back of course 50 cm because it will be cut from the fabric's fold. Perfect. I didn't even plan to get them to match up like this when I started planning out the lower half's pattern some days ago. xD Voittajafiilis!!

Bye bye!


  1. Ooooh you were very lucky there! ^_^
    That cosplay's gonna get done really fast seeing how complicated it is.

    1. Yup~
      Err, I guess you mean "this cosplay is NOT going get done fast seeing how complicated it is." XD

    2. Nah, I'm sure you can do it XD (Anyway you have no choice since it's for school ^^; )

  2. You can do it! :) Olen varma, että saat sen valmiiksi hyvissä ajoin! ^^

  3. Ihan mielenkiinnosta kyselen, mihin coniin olet tekemässä Date Masamunea?

    1. Kiitos kysymyksestä.

      Ei ole vielä varma mutta ensvuonna olisi näemmä johonki coniin kokoontumassa Basara "Porukka Kasaan!"-ryhmä johon siis olen ilmoittautunut Masamuneksi. Tosiaan conia ei olla vielä päätetty mun tietojen mukaan.. veikkaisin että Desucon tai Tracon.

      Olisi tarkoitus saada kevääksi valmiiksi ja luultavasti cossaan Masamunea Ruotsin Närconissa mutta kyllä Suomessaki tulen cossamaan, ainaki nyt alustavasti sen ryhmän kans.


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