Showing posts with label Kemin mangapäivä. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kemin mangapäivä. Show all posts

September 25, 2013

Kemi's manga day 2013 - cosplay plans!

The next anime event I will be going to is Kemi's manga day; it's held on 5th October so there's a little more than one week left. It's an 8 hour event in Kemi duh in Finland.
I decided who to cosplay there already pretty long ago so why keep it a secret well, some people know already any longer?

Toshizo Hijikata (Sweet School Life version) from Hakuouki
Yup, basically I'm being lazy. :'DD I don't feel like donning a cosplay that takes time to put on for such a small event - aka no kimono-time this time. So yeah, SSL!Hijikata to the rescue! Being lazy is not the only reason I do this version over the kimono version though; truth is, I can't even do half my cosplays right now -because my sword broke after Tracon- but I'll do a post about that some other day... Luckily I already have everything for this version, except for the violet tie but I found one at eBay so it should arrive any day now. Gonna do a cosplay preview when it gets here.
As far as I know at least Sairu-chan will cosplay SSL!Chizuru and she said something that there might be a few other SSL Hakuouki cosplayers running around; we might have a cosplay group, yes!

Not so much more to say. My con season for this year is drawing to an end; after Kemi's manga day Chibicon in Oulu might very well be the last convention I will be seen at 2013. But before I start thinking such depressing thoughts I need to remember that Kemi's manga day is still ahead! Forward we go!

October 7, 2012

Kemi's manga day summary 2012 + photoshoot x2

So yesterday I attended Kemi's manga day.. or well, this time it was labeled as "Cosplay meet-up" but, honestly, it felt just like any other manga day before it. I don't think there was any more cosplayers than normally. lolololo Oh well~
Err, so my company to the event this time were Sairu-chan and Jäätynyt Enkeli, as Chizuru Yukimura and Keisuke Sannan from Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan respectively. I cosplayed Toshizo Hijikata but I kept the wig untied because I didn't feel like having a melee with it and I know my face more often than not end up looking derp with tied hair.. so I let it be for now.. until I get a wig head.

On the morning me and Jäätynyt Enkeli woke up 08:00 Finnish time and started to put on our cosplays. I was so tireeeeeeeeeed. I thought I could be ready for 09:30 but, well, I gravely underestimated the time it takes to put on all make-up for Hijikata as well as put on hakama and everything else.. aka I was roaming the house in just the purple kimono, wig and make-up. No pants TROLOLOLOL. At this time I had been texting our Chizuru when she would be here because we had originally planned to gather 09:30 at our house and photoshoot outside before leaving for Kemi. Well, some errors happened and we all three were together first at 11:00 more or less. I didn't mind that much because Hijikata got more time to dress himself properly. LOL Of course having more time to photoshoot would have been nice butbutbut.

Now some few photos taken at our yard before going to Kemi. It did drizzle a bit outside but by no means much considering it's been raining all week more or less.

Cosplayers: Valkoinen Samurai & Sairu-chan
Photographer: Jäätynyt Enkeli

 And now some less representative photos... Derp storm!
Truth be told, almost all photos were incredibly derp, this is just a fraction of it. xD

Both failed to keep a serious face and cracked up. 
After that it was time to leave.
We got to the place the event was being held in and yeah, it's a very chill hang-with-friends type of event. There's not much to do except watch the cosplay competition (which we did watch) and the cosplay date (which we didn't watch). I didn't really buy anything because nothing really caught my eye (and most merchandise seems to be bootlegs anyway..) but we three went to a food store nearby because Chizuru wanted to buy a coke and chocolate. Most of the time we three were hanging together, derping and whatnot but we did bump into a lot of familiar faces during the day. It was a pleasant experience even though it was pretty, well, let's just say not so much happened. People were there to hang around and relax with friends, not really to dress up in awesome cosplays and get their photos taken. It was nice nevertheless. But the best part was by far when I decided that we all go find some decent photoshoot location outside, close to Kulttuuritalo, and have a second Hakuouki photoshoot.We found a nice leafy bush place I don't know and it worked well for our purpose. Puskajussit pusikossa paskantaa~ eiku.

Cosplayers: Valkoinen Samurai & Sairu-chan
Photographer: Jäätynyt Enkeli

(I took this photo)

And of course photographer was our lovely troll!Sannan. <3

I must say... this second photoshoot... oh lord I can't remember when I've last had so much fun. So much ridiculous derps were shared, everyone was laughing until they cried.. and my stomach hurt. XD Hakuouki photoshoots are the best breeding grounds for hilarious moments.. <3

Oh, and lastly.
To sum up the amount of derp and the numerous amounts of brain cells we lost, well, let's just say that we all had our derpilicious codenames *BADUMTSSH* and those were as fabulous as:




 I'm outta here!

September 12, 2012

Will Hijikata be crossdressing? + Kemi's manga day up next!

So before Tracon I had been looking for a purple kimono for Hijikata because I want to upgrade that cosplay for the next time I wear it. Mostly I want to have an actually purple kimono and while there isn't anything wrong with the wig I have now, when it comes to quality and stuff, it just isn't that flattering for my face, so I decided to order a new one.
But about the kimono. I wanted an authentic one so I can use it for my kimono hobby too. I was checking eBay and then I found a purple kimono that made me go..

This thing:

So.. well. First time I saw its thumbnail I was all "it's a woman's kimono" because of the (bright) color.. purple kimono for men barely exist and when they do they are dark/subdued/almost-don't-look-purple. But for some reason I clicked on it anyway because it was cheap (read: 9 dollars) and I was half-way desperate. Heck, I had thought that if it was a hitoe (non-lined) woman's kimono I could just learn how to convert it into a man's.. namely fix the sleeves.
So I clicked on it and then I found myself staring at the item description, or well.. to be exact, the length, which was only 138 cm. That's super damn short for a woman (unless she's a midget. lol) but an acceptable length for a man. (kimono info: women have longer kimono than men so that they can do an ohashori, "waist fold")
Soon after noticing the short length I noticed the sleeves... they seemed to be like on a man's kimono, aka almost completely sewn to the body of the kimono... but I couldn't say for sure because the seller's photos weren't that clear and the color threw me off all the time. 
Now the fact that this thing was listed at the seller's store as a woman's kimono made me veeeeeery confused. God knows how many minutes I spent staring on this thing trying to figure out if it was a damn short woman's or a man's kimono which had been misplaced... or a woman's kimono which had been converted into a man's for an unknown reason. Oooh the brain damage done to me by trying to figure it out. OTL I even asked another kimono hobbyist about their opinion before I decided to take the chance to buy it.. heck, after all it was cheap and if it turned out to be a woman's I would just have to modify the sleeves.

Today I finally got it (had to pick it up from the customs, didn't have to pay extra though <3) and when I got home I was so nervous and excited! I took it out and...

LOLOLOLO excuse random derp wig, camera face censor and that I'm just using a koshihimo to hold it closed...

I was right in my suspicion, aka Hijikata won't be crossdressing at Kemi's manga day on 6th October. I'm so fucking happy!!1 :'D Oh, and yes, Kemin mangapäivät will be my next anime/manga event. I will cosplay Toshizo Hijikata there. Now I just want my new wig to come so I can style it and try on upgraded!Hijikata ~

In case someone doesn't know the character:
Toshizo Hijikata - Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan

And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the Tracon summary! I will write it as soon as I have some photos of my costumes and stop being lazy lolololo. 

May 19, 2012

Kemi's comic day

 Sup all.

So I attended Kemi's Comic day today, it's a small event for, well, comics. Today there was the 4-hour 'manga part' of the event. I live close to Kemi so I went there; I didn't bother to put on cosplay so I just put on my blue wool kimono ensemble and my Saitou wig instead. I'm glad I didn't because there probably wasn't much more than 5 cosplayers...
I met some few people I recognized, or well, they recognized me, lol. I hung around with Ellu and we had a blast, Moomin lemonade and derpin' goes a long way! :D

But there was a rather... err... unpleasant experience. Warning for angry rant and foul words. Let's say a few people had major problems trying to guess my gender (I KNOW I LOOK ANDROGYNOUS, OKAY?) and it, well, their inappropriate touching went waaaaay over my comfort zone. >_> I was too shocked to instantly say stop but I sure felt offended because, hey, where's your fucking manners!?!  (╬⓪益⓪)
I didn't give an answer because I was annoyed beyond words, but at least they eventually stopped. But still... don't fucking go touching my chest and whatnot for like 5 minutes that's plain rude and offending and, even more so, when you don't even apologize!! Fucking scum of mankind, I hope you burn in hell. ╭∩╮(⊙▂⊙╬)╭∩╮

Oh well, despite that one dipshit it was a nice experience; nothing more to say really. Sorry for the lack of photos.


April 8, 2012

Chibicon 2012 behind + Next con

Chibicon came and went. It was a not-so-big con held at Oulu's Pohjankartano, Finland. Finally a con in the north, big plus for that from me.
I must say I was surprised how big the con building was, it was amazing to hold a con in! Hmm, let's see.. the con itself was nice and I had a good time. Nothing really to complain about. Although I must say the number of cosplayers was surprisingly small.. needless to say the camera running was minimal because, well, there simply wasn't so much to photograph. Oh well, it was to be expected because it was Chibicon after all.
About the merchandise, well, it was the standard con merchandise pretty much - mangas, plushies, figures, doujinshis and a booth for ramune and other Japanese treats. I didn't buy anything because I'm saving money for the summer cons and because I didn't find anything that made me go OMGMUSTBUYNOW.
 I also went and watched the FFFight and it was entertaining.. although I noticed the same people participating twice... *shrugs* I also attended the Sengoku Basara panel which was nice.

I went there with my friend Jäärä who came up to my place late on Thursday. On Friday we con prepped and tested our Chibicon cosplays; we had a photoshoot outside. Most photos turned out pretty high on the derp scale but I think we got some decent ones too. Here's a few pictures:

The Kuchikis and their plushies.
Jarmo, the Seaweed Ambassador, went flying. Yes, we named him Jarmo. At one point I accidentally tossed him over our terrace field... good thing he didn't fall into that hole behind the snow and the fence itself... would have been harder to get him up. lol

Yo, I'm fine man.
I will upload more photos to my account slowly the coming days, so if you're interested be sure to check it out.

•Next con•

The next con I'm going to attend will be Desucon in Lahti, 8-10 June. I'm already longing for it! Gotta continue working on the cosplays...

It seems Kemi's comic/manga day will be held 18-20 May so I will be there too. What cosplay I will wear I have not decided yet.. most likely I will recycle an older cosplay. I will inform later when I've decided which one.