February 22, 2022

Genshin Impact potential future cosplans!

 Hello world!

It's been literal years since I last did any post on characters I'd want to cosplay in the future so I figured I might as well do one now, for a change of pace. Last time I did one such post appears to have been in 2016 so yeah, not exactly yesterday. xD 
But first I gotta admit that, just like everyone else, I'm deep inside the Genshin Impact hellhole currently and I've been playing daily since the later half of 2020 with no signs of franchise burnout. In fact my investment into the lore, characters etc keeps getting stronger! I'm not normally the person to play whatever is hyper popular at the moment but Genshin is different to me, it's just sooooo damn good in almost every possible way and the character designs are so aesthetically pleasing! I've always been a fan of anime-styled games and open-world exploration Genshin's got pretty much everything I could ask for. I wouldn't be lying if I said that, out of all the games that I'm currently playing actively, that Genshin is my favorite game.
So yeah, I totally wanted to dedicate a whole post to all the currently released Genshin Impact characters that I've considered cosplaying more or less seriously. Obviously I can't guarantee that I will do all of these down the line but they are all currently on my list and yeah, it's fun to have plans~

Without further ado, let's get down to it!

*Minor spoiler warning ahead!*
Characters are in descending order.

Character: Zhongli

 Geo daddy! Hands down my current favorite Genshin husbando by quite a long shot. I loved him from the second I saw his design and that love only got stronger the more I learned about his story and personality. Zhongli is a deeply interesting character to me, I don't want to go into spoilers why for those that haven't finished the Liyue main storyline yet but Zhongli is definitely the number one character that I currently want to cosplay from Genshin and also the one I for sure will do. I was over the moon when I managed to pull him the first time, he's currently C2 on my main team and my most used character hehe. I adore his color scheme, overall design, even his English voice. Heck, he could step on me any day and I'd pay him for it lmao.

Character: Kaedehara Kazuha

Who is surprised to see Kazuha on this list? Definitely not me. Everything about him screams that he's my type of character – he's a wandering samurai, he's a temporary member of Beidou's pirate crew, he's poetic and calm but carries a lot of burdens in his heart that he does not speak much about. He ticks all the boxes, he's basically me if I was in Genshin lol. I've always been drawn to white-haired characters and if they have red or golden eyes then that's a major bonus. :D Not to mention I love color schemes with red, black and white together along with traditional Japanese elements. Yup, I will definitely cosplay Kazuha at some point. Watch me!
Character: Diluc

Ah, Master Diluc. Probably the first character in Genshin that I took any affinity to. My youngest cousin Toni taught me to play Genshin when I first started and was very lost with how to upgrade etc and he mained Diluc at that time. I remember thinking that I definitely wanted that red-haired edgy guy in my team and I spent a long time trying to wish for him later. RNGesus blessed me eventually and Diluc is currently my main team's DPS unit. I do enjoy his design too and again we have the red, black and white combo that I'm particularly fond of. Diluc might appear to be that one rich bastard above everyone else, the anti-hero type with attitude problems yet he's so wholesome at the same time, single-handedly defeating evil and protecting Mondstadt when no one is looking. I will definitely cosplay the Darknight Hero at some point.
Character: Venti

 This little rascal is not the typical character type that I fall for. Usually this kind of character is more likely to get on my nerves lmao. But there's something with Venti that really speaks to me and I can't really put my finger on what exactly it is. I do like his design a lot (and the fact that he's androgynous to the point of being a genderfuck lolol) although wearing his costume is probably gonna put me a bit outside my comfort zone. He's a funny character, he's carefree and playful but at the same time clever and he says some stuff that really puts you thinking. Of course there's some spoiler reasons why I like him too but I'll refrain from mentioning those in case there's any new players reading this. I do consider cosplaying this prankster bard seriously but I'm not 100% whether it will happen. Probably will though.

Character: Xiao

Xiao is so precious. ;_; He's the distant and intimidating emo guy sitting at rooftops with a tragic past. He's not human, he's an adeptus (for those unknown about Genshin lore it's a kind of godlike being, basically) and more exactly one of the five major Yakshas. I don't want to spoil his background story but it did touch me on an emotional level and I can understand why he acts the way he does. And also why he's so popular with fans. I would really like to cosplay him eventually but he's not going to be among the first ones as tbh I'm super intimidated by how to tackle his tattoo lol. One day...
Character: Xingqiu

 Another precious boy. He's very chivalrous and has a great sense of justice. Xingqiu is a bookworm and a martial arts prodigy and although he's not the typical character that I'd be drawn towards I do like him a lot. He grew on me slowly and now he's a part of my team, whoops. He's so genuine and pure and his design is gorgeous, especially the sleeves! I really want to cosplay him at some point but the only thing holding me back is that I know I'm gonna feel so uncomfortable with those tiny shorts rip. But I want to do him anyway, sometimes you gotta challenge yourself.
Character: Gorou

 Gorou is in a weird spot for me. I don't know so much yet about his story but the moment I saw him I was like "fuck, I want him in one of my other teams!" but then I was so disappointed cuz you need to build a Geo team around him to get the most use out of his kit as he's a support unit. So I like him based on what I do know about him but especially because of his design, it's gorgeous. And I like characters with animal features so that's a plus! If I do cosplay him one day it's gonna take a while as I need to lose weight to feel comfortable doing a costume with a bare midriff; currently it's a big no-no as I'm extremely self-conscious about my body.

Character: Razor

One of my early favorite characters when I started playing Genshin back in the days. I like Razor's story quite a lot but that's somewhat dampened by the fact that I don't find him very fun to play, although he is a stupidly strong 4-star character. He has to be a main DPS or not be in your team at all cuz Razor's whole kit focuses only on buffing himself, which makes sense when you think about his story but it feels very limiting at the same time. I do toy with the idea of cosplaying the Wolf Boy at some point but I'm kinda hoping he would get another outfit that I'd like more than the current one. Maybe one day.

Character: Aether (Male Traveler)

This one is a big maybe. The Traveler (and Paimon) are the faces of Genshin Impact, the most iconic characters. I do enjoy the story of the twins trying to find each other and I'm very curious about how it will continue. I like the designs of both the male and the female Traveler and I would consider cosplaying Aether if one of my friends did Lumine as there would be some fun photoshoot possibilities! And I do genuinely like Aether's design anyway, although this one has the same problem as Gorou does in terms of cosplaying lol. So yeah, not gonna happen in the nearest future at least.
Character: Dainsleif

This dude is a very intriguing character. There's not much information out about him yet, he's super mysterious and appears to have vast knowledge about the past. I doubt he's even human. It's hard to say how much I'd like to cosplay him at this point as so much about him is still shrouded in mystery but from what we do know, based on that one main story chapter, I can't wait to learn more about who he is! His design is super badass too, almost half his face is covered by an eyepatch that looks like a half mask and he has some weird veiny shit going on around parts of his body. I am tempted to cosplay him currently but time will tell.

 And that's it for now. I'm probably gonna do another Genshin cosplay dream list along the way as new characters get added (I doubt we even have one third of all characters released yet). I still want to do some other cosplays too but ngl Genshin is my biggest fandom currently and I can't wait to cosplay from it!

Until next time, stay cool!
~ Shiro Samurai out.


  1. * waves from the other side of the same hellhole *

    This was a very interesting post to read and not going to lie, I got some of my cosplay hype back :'D I think Genshin Impact is also my biggest fandom currently and I've considered cosplaying from it too - one of the characters (among way too many others lol) being the female version of Traveler. x)

    Begun to consider doing a post like this too, should I? xD

  2. Omg do iiiiiiiit~ xD
    And yes, Genshin consumes your soul lol. I would like to start working on cosplays already but there's this tiny problem called money. Fml. :'D


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