July 12, 2016

Närcon 2016 carpool available! One seat free!

Hello geeks!

Let's get straight to business! It recently came to my knowledge that Ronya can't go to Närcon so yeah, now there's one seat to fill in our carpool and that means that if you live somewhere in northern Sweden or Finland –and want to go to Närcon– then HERE IS YOUR CHANCE!! o(*゚▽゚*)o We really need to get one more person to take the free seat because it will make the journey cheaper for everyone! And hey, it also saves the environment to have the car as full as possible... ~

Check the image below for all the necessary details, because I'm too lazy to rewrite them all. But yeah, if you want more information just leave a comment on this post or contact me through email. :)

And for those worried about the con tickets – they are still available here! Please be aware that Närcon is on 28-31 July so act fast. I can also mention that me and Sacchan will be sleeping at the camping and that's what I'd recommend if you want the cheapest possible sleeping solution and hey, con camping is an experience in itself!
Oh and yeah, if you wonder about the Tuesday-Wednesday night at Umeå I can tell you that it's free  we'll stay one night at the apartment of the second driver. :) 

It doesn't matter if you're a cosplayer or not but as long as you're attending the con and are a nice person you're welcome in! I promise at least two of us have horrible jokes. It would be preferred though if you're not a smoker. Also, please try to keep the luggage down to the smaller end of average because there is no place for huge or bulky props (smaller props should be fine, like a katana or such).

So yeah, please spread the word to all your friends and help us fill in the available seat!

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