October 15, 2014

Lens review: EOS Dolly Eye Pink

Sup people!

It has been quite a while since I last did a circle lens review actually, it feels like last time was forever ago. ;_; *despaaaaair* But hey, I'm finally back now with another lens review to share with you guys! This time it's the EOS Dolly Eye Pink lenses, a super popular lens.

Let's roll!

Base curve: 8.6 mm
Diameter: 14.2 mm
Water content: 38~42%
Life span: 1 year (I recommend 6 months)

Lenses in vials, bright sunlight.
The lens on the right shows the "wrong" side. Natural room light.
 Yep. I admit I've been curious about trying pink contacts for a while. It's not my first choice that's green but I can't help being drawn to unnatural colors. I also knew I wanted opaque lenses and thus I picked the Dolly Eye ones. Yeah, just let me put my manliness aside while I do this review... :D Joke joke! I honestly of course don't have a problem with the color pink, it's just a color and tbh I've started to like it over the years.

Okay, so these lenses are originally manufactured by EOS but my pair has been rebranded under the TheDollyEye label. Fitting, heh. They look fairly small for being circle lenses and even smaller when you think that they have dolly in the name, which usually refers to big lenses; I can't exactly call 14.2 mm lenses big. It's on the smaller end of average when it comes to circle lenses, as far as I know. When worn they don't seem to enlarge much.

Lens on my finger, "wrong" side up.
You can tell already by looking at these lenses that they're gonna be very covering. They have a lot of color and the color pixels are tightly spaced. They should cover my eye color completely when I wear them, otherwise I'd be damn surprised and disappointed.
I must say though that the design seems fairly generic..? It's not the most wow-inducing I've ever seen. The pattern definitely looks unnatural and especially so when worn, that's for sure. In some weird way I still like it surprisingly much. Simple but cool I'd say.

But now, photos! A lot of them!
Of course are all photos in this post completely unedited in terms of color, this is to show how the contacts truly look. All photos taken by me. The same goes for all my earlier lens reviews. :)

One lens in, just to show enlargement.
Bathroom light.
Standing next to the window in my apartment. (sunset light)
Apartment room light.
Inside, taken in the corridor under white-ish light.
Inside, taken in the corridor under super yellow light.
Inside, in the staircase. (close to outside back door)
Outdoors, facing the sun. (bright sunset)
Flash photo, taken outside.
The first time I wore these the right one went on like a charm. The left one though, as soon as I had inserted it into my eye and closed my eyes it literally popped out of my eye when I opened it! That had never happened to me before. o_o I tried a second time and the same thing happened as soon as I blinked for the first time it just came off. The third time it finally set though and all was fine.
I wore them for around 7 hours and I didn't feel them at all, it felt like I had no contacts on. The only annoying thing comfort-wise was that after I had put them in my vision was blurred and I saw pink corners. Then again the pupil hole is small on Dolly Eye lenses so the colored corners are to be expected. I think the blurred vision happened because I was in an apartment with insufficient light. I do admit though that the blur was really bothersome.
The blur happened the second time I wore them as well and same goes for the "contact almost popped out of my eye when I put it in" thing; it feels like it doesn't stick to the eye properly and kinda glides on the surface of the eye until I blink a few times, then it sets down. But yeah, it just seems to be that Dolly Eye contacts blur my vision, unless I'm in a well-lit room or outside in the sun basically saying that indoors they are annoying to wear.

And now distance photos in various outside (sunset) lights!

Wanna see more Dolly Eye lens reviews?
I thought so, check these out: Green

Short summary:

Color: 10/10 
Amazing light pink that is very noticeable! Definitely a loud "WOW!" for the color.
Design: 7/10 
Unnatural but cool. I like it surprisingly much. Great for cosplay!
Opacity: 10/10 
You can't get much more opaque lenses than this! Especially not pink ones I'd say, haha.
Enlargement: 3/10 
Can't really say that there's much "dolly" in these. Slight enlargement.
Comfort: 7/10 
I could wear these around 7 hours the first few times before I started feeling them in my eyes, which is pretty dang good. Points off for pink corners in my vision and constant blurry sight in less illuminated areas, though.
Naturalness: 0/10 
No one will think these are your real eyes, especially not because they are pink. You might even scare someone, hah.

That'll be it for this time! Sayonara ~


  1. Taitaapi olla samat linssit ku mitkä mieki omistan! Mulla ei pinkkiä näkyny, mutta ekalla kerralla ku laitoin päähä näin kyllä linssit silmäkulmasta. Ja mullaki ne välillä pomppaa pois, tosin oon olettanu et se o vaa ku mä en saa laittaa piilareita viel kauhee hyvin :'D

  2. Pink eyes look surprisingly good on you (though the Dolly Eye are a bit freaky). They fit your OC Taregard Frir really well!
    I also had this thing that the Dolly Eye brown gave me vision blur. Gotta hate it. :C But I never had them pop out of my eyes just like this... O_o
    I simple love all the selfies. <3 The angles are perfect; you look so handsomely cool! :'D

  3. You do suit the unnatural lenses! :D They look super good on you! Oh my!

  4. rosa! hade inte trott det några år sedan, att du skulle ha rosa linser :D men dom är ju jättecoola. Blev sugen på ett par till mig själv :3

  5. Great review! Thats the thing with EOS Dolly Eye, though; they always blur your vision in low light. I've had those lenses in several colors (not pink though), and they do really block your vision in low light. I also have that problem where one will pop out if I don't put it in right. I solve that by not blinking until its on perfectly. That usually works.

    Thanks for the review though! The pictures really help

  6. Useful info. Hope to see more good posts in the future.
    cheap eye contacts


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