September 1, 2014

150 followers giveaway – WINNERS!!

Hellou everyone!!

1st September has now ticked in and the 150 followers giveaway has thus come to a close. The only thing left now is to announce the winners and that's what I'll do now! Stay on your seats and let's get to it!
But first I want to give a big thank you to everyone who joined the giveaway (and even those who didn't but still follows my ramblings! :D) and I hope you are all looking forward to this announcement!
Thank you all for your continued support, I love you! <3 

Without much further talk I'll get straight to the point but first I need to mention a few things!
To pick the winners I used a random number generator online. The three first numbers that I got on the generator were the winners (first generated number won first prize, second number second prize etc) and the numbers I got I matched up with who posted the comment of the same number on the giveaway entry post. I got 18 comments in total, but some were of the same person because they forgot to mention their email or something so I didn't count doubles in; every person who entered only had one valid entry number and thus everyone had the same chances to win. :) No cheating here!

Okay, so... ~
*insert epic drumroll here*

Are you ready guys??! >8D


~*~ Here comes the results !!! ~*~


1st Prize goes to...
Tsuyami Yukihara!! <3


2nd Prize goes to...
Broken Junk Doll!! <3


3rd Prize goes to...
FankiKitsune!! <3


Congratulations to the lucky winners!! :D
*throws confetti around*

I will send you all an email very soon with information so that you can get your prizes! 
But I'll mention it here already that prizes can be picked up at Tracon (Finland) on 13-14 September if you'd rather have it handed out to you personally. :)


That's all for this time. I hope you enjoyed this little event; I plan to have more giveaways in the future so stay tuned! ;)
Before I leave I want to once more thank all my followers, both new and old ones! I hope you enjoy my writings and will stay around for a long time! <3
Shiro Samurai says sayonara!


  1. Such suspense before announcing the winners! (and that duck too XD)
    I'm happy even if I didn't win anything because your post is so hyped and positive. <3
    Stay awesome! :'D

  2. Tsuyami is already in Russia by then, but I can ake her price if she want to (:

    1. Oh, I can hand you the contacts at Tracon and you give them to Tsuyami, if it's fine with both of you. :) I will publish my cosplay plans soon and I can say that on Saturday I should be very easy to spot.

      Lauantaina ulko-ovien edessä klo 13:00 voidaan muuten tavata, jos emme löydä toisia ennen sitä. :)

    2. Jos emme muuten löydä toisiamme, heitä piilarit NCC-karsinnoissa ekan kisaajan kohdalla lavalle ja huuda "KOPPI!" :D

  3. Agh, I can't believe it! I actually didn't even think that I would win, I just wanted to comment. xD Can't wait to try the contacts on! owo
    P.S. That duck is so cute!

    1. Congratulations! :'D
      It would be nice to see pics later when you get to try 'em on!

      Hahaha I know! xD


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