October 2, 2013

SSL!Hijikata preview

Today I did a very quick Sweet School Life version Hijikata preview just to check that everything looked, well, sort-of-okay.. at least. I couldn't be bothered doing any proper cosplay make-up, except for filling in my eyebrows and some rather sloppy eyeliner and I didn't find some of my stuff at first. So yeah, I'm gonna look something like this next Saturday at Kemin mangapäivä (Kemi's manga day)!

Excuse the mess in the background..
(photo by Hasakitsuki)
Oh, I couldn't be bothered to put on violet contact lenses so I just edited my eye color on this one. Of course I will wear the contacts at the event. Nothing else to say, see you there!


  1. Oi kyllä, tää on upeaa! 8D Odotan innolla, ohoho~

  2. Men snälla någon, vad jag vill kidnappa dig <3

  3. fs;dljjaskl;jsdlf Wow! I've gotta hand it to you - you make one damn sexy SSL!Hijikata! <3 You'll attract plenty of female attention next Saturday, I'm sure ~ :D


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